i like hot dogs

You don't see the appeal? Really?

Wow, you really dodged a bullet there.

Was the dude doing the pickup truck-enhanced moonwalk black or am I just racist?

15 years ago we had a teen mom class in our high school. I think it was like a support group/advanced class-type thing to help get as many of them graduated as possible. It was always funny when there was a fire drill and there'd be along line of pregnant teenager shuffling out the back door.

"I'm going to go get me some butterfly poon" about made me puke with laughter.

Mrs Gods- What show were you watching? The only time he even mentions Obama is to criticize him for not doing the things he said he would do and for going along with Bush's policies.

Did you lie about your age to fight the Kaiser in the big one?

Fuck you hamburgers


Man I LOVED Cobra when I was like 11.

Hey everyone! I'm too stupid to follow action scenes in today's crazy far-out movies? What's that about? Why doesn't the director just show up on screen and point at what's happening and explain exactly what's going on? That would be much more exciting than this weird "visceral experience", whatever that means. I'm

five words: hardcore sex scenes, robot penis

Etrian food
This game is all about my misadventures going to an etrian restaurant in ohio that was exactly like stepping into a third world country, and getting really uncomfortable when, being the only two white people in the place, we were stared at by everyone there while trying to eat with our hands.

Isn't the tea party pretty much run by hate-filled 40-year-old women who still behave like melodramatic attention-whoring teenage girls?

Also, I just want to point out that the study quoted in the reuters article linked above has absolutely no bearing on whether or not HFCS causes cancer, and basically zero bearing on what fructose would do to cancer cells in a human body. But most people who read that article don't have the reading comprehension

And the iPad contains about 400 times the amount of douchey smarm.

But it's got the word HIGH in the name so it must be worse than regular sugar.

2 years worth of used books and discarded bookshelf left by the side of the road= about $50

The message of this song has been co-opted by republicans and tea partiers who can't understand the concept that the world only seemed better 40 years ago because they were little kids, and white.

Nothin' but the best!