I'm not your buddy, friend!
I'm not your buddy, friend!
Maybe you should never listen to Helter Skelter or read A Catcher in the Rye or watch Taxi Driver either.
Don't gents me, pal.
Yeah the murder and torture sections were pretty rough, and I'm not really sure they were all anatomically possible.
When I read American Psycho I had never even heard the phrase "unreliable narrator." About halfway through the light bulb went off and I realized that what the narrator was saying wasn't necessarily totally accurate, and I think that's why I liked the book. I've loved any books with unreliable narrators ever since.
I'd say this guy would be against babies less if any women ever tried to procreate with him. That's where all these stories end up, sad dudes who can't get laid. You never see total poonhounds shooting the place up.
Brandan Fraser, 3D, family movie, fart jokes- I'm absolutely certain it made about a billion dollars.
I prefer books to e-books. I may change that attitude in a few years when I buy one, but I only read a dozen or so books a year, and I like buying older books from Half Price books for like a buck a piece. I'm a big fan of the smell of old books. I have a large collection of Vonnegut books printed in the 70s that I…
I couldn't have been less interested in the trailer. Haven't I seen this movie about 8 times already?
On something extended, like the aforementioned HBO special, his shtick is easier to deal with. It accentuates his jokes. After a few minutes it starts to get old, but then somewhere along the line becomes funnier than ever.
Oh dear, I seem to have dropped my monocle again.
I knew somebody was going to use poopnoodle over here. Good work, Czar.
I think John Oliver is pretty funny in his standup.
He's been going downhill since Remote Control.
I'll throw my lot in with Incurable Ennui. Eddie Izzard's standup is tedious and not funny.
Yes, it's always the government's fault.
It's only because Chiklis was surrounded by some of the worst actors of all time. They made him look genius by comparison.
Everyone knows it's going to take place in the Michael Keaton-era Batman universe.
Isn't LARP that cold spicy-chicken salad stuff you get at thai restaurants?
What you don't realize is that Superchunk is responsible for every one of those tab sites. Tireless work, that.