
I almost feel like she's got it backwards. I wonder how much of that was people wanting to read the book and identify with parts because those elements were already present in their lives and relationships?

That taxi driver was my favorite part. Like fuck an open door…… girl bye.

Two hours later? This is really upsetting you.

I've never seen this guy before. He looks JUST like if you took Andrew Keegan and Heath Ledger from 10 things I hate about you and put them in a blender.

Realize that due to kinjapocolypse everyone must be approved and thus comments don't show up right away. They were probably all approved all at once.

In Eastern Europe they wear their wedding rings on the right side

So….. she lied about having a kid who died? That's evil.

Very hard to actually prove. The law targets mostly wholesalers who buy fakes in bulk to resell. That is much easier to prosecute.

Ah gotcha

I thought she was American? Of Iranian decent yes, but an American none the less

I like it, but only if I don't have to be up in like 30 minutes for something important.

Damn Sarah Thyre.

Right? Also if he wants to do it to it and really find the SOB then I don't see what the problem is. Cops seem to have a lot of open cases, it looks like Dog will only have one to focus on.

What? Dateline is the shit.

It could be possible that he assumed (maybe he wasn't in the know) that War Machine would not then beat Christy Mack, but who knows what someone is thinking when after they've been pounded on.

The first few I read on Gawker included his born name

Yeah the police are SUPER on it. Okay.


I'm deaf in one ear. I have trouble when it comes to syncing the tracks :(

People who are "DJ's" piss me off so hard. I've always wanted to learn but can't. Dicks.