I Like Cars

Push up hill, ride down next?

What a great post! More of these please and less about DC metro logistics for political groups and whining about how automotive advertisements aren’t focused towards you personally.

It’s not for suburbanites. Just like decent restaurants and bars.

They would be better off just selling bacon.

He’ll still have his work cut out for him, considering that his face is apparently made out of rocks or something.

Hey, on the bright side, at least someone wants these cars.

So, they want to take those extra 40,000 people that have bad jobs now and turn them into people with no jobs?

Can’t wait for Uber and Lyft to be like the taxis were 15 years ago. The obvious next step will be to set up some sort of bureaucracy to oversee Uber and Lyft, including price controls against the inevitable gouging

People are going to be in for an extremely rude awakening when these rides start costing what they should actually cost. 

I’m with you. Trump is hard to like (and I didn’t vote for him) but not every single thing he does is wrong and lots of his bombast is a bluff to get opponents to back down.

Noise barriers are primarily built as part of roadway improvement or widening projects that add additional capacity to the highway or significantly change its alignment to be closer to existing homes. It is much less frequent that noise barriers are built strictly as a retrofit solution (and usually not with federal

Neither technology has proven that they can be profitable, consumer ready or not. The scale is not there.

Volvo’s made strides to embrace electrification and autonomy, key things that enrapture bloodless investors who want something to be excited about. But apparently that’s not enough, unless you’re named Tesla.

And Malaysian, RyanAir, Spirit...

I’ve always wanted to see a car with concrete tires running on rubber roads.

You forgot Tarom.

I grew up in Westport, CT and saw Paul Newman driving around in a Volvo wagon with a V-6 or V-8 racing engine and a VW Beetle body bolted to a mid-engine racing chassis and engine. Ultra cool.

Man in trench coat: “Hopefully one case of Jagermeister is enough. I really want to get laid at this party.”

8,231 passengers have died in Aeroflot crashes, about five times more than any other airline.