Why is there a built-in coffin? I thought Volvos were safe.
Why is there a built-in coffin? I thought Volvos were safe.
2nd Gear:
You seem to have it all figured out. See if you can get on the Rachel Madow show to share your views.
Slow down, take your meds and re-read this thread. There was no mention or a comparison to cars. Rather, there is simply my clearly stated opinion that the subway is dirty, inefficient (meaning poorly run with many delays) and not well-maintained, and has been that way for many, many years.
Growing what, a wart?
I especially hate the “Coexist” one made up of religious symbols. Fuck you all.
“Daaaaaaaamn,” says the sailor guy, with his lady friend, carrying a net full of sturgeon.
It does suck but it has improved in the last month or so. Let’s just say I wouldn’t use USPS to return a Rolex but I’m fine with eBay stuff, packages to relatives, etc.
I had an 18% mortgage in the 1980s...
What tires were they running? I’ve found at track days the limiting factor is tire grip and no road tire- even summer performance models- can hold a candle to a track tire.
This is very easy to explain- Florida.
Don’t fuck with elks.
I’m no shrink but it sounds like you two have an unhealthy relationship.
The logistics are impressive but I almost never use FedEx or UPS, as their costs are outrageous compared to the good ol’ post office. With online labels, it’s no hassle to use USPS and the cost is usually about 1/3 of the others.
Here’s where I have a problem- when I go out to and have a drink and a glass of wine with dinner. Technically, I might be over the limit, but in reality I’m fine, and not impaired. After 40 years of drinking, this small amount has no effect on my driving.
Should I go to jail or lose my license?
If the example in the photo didn’t have a badge on the grill, I would have no idea what brand or model that was. Bring back the boxy Land Cruisers!
Agreed. The rear end needs to go on a diet.
Say what you will about me, but my original point about the subway being dysfunctional, dirty and inefficient for many, many years holds true.
P.S., I think you might still be living with your parents.
While the U.K. government has predicted that connected and autonomous vehicles, or CAVs, will be on Britain’s roads by 2021, infrastructure and connectivity issues mean London is unlikely to see them until a decade later.
I love the fact that Mercedes has stuck with the boxy body on these. We intentionally bought a used Honda Pilot because it had this kind of utility look.