

yeah, the name part is debatable grounds for a lawsuit, but when Leno did this kind of joke with all the "funny" ads he showed(weather they were actually funny or not is debatable) he always blacked out the phone numbers or addresses.



It's tricky to stab a guy, to stab a guy that's right on time, It's tricky.

looks like he stole Diggle's helmet from arrow(I have no idea why would he).

but isn't softening up Ennis work like this makes the show a lot more generic?!
I get that they would want to appeal to a much wider audience but wouldn't be awesome if there was a show like 'The Boys' or his 'Punisher Max' series that really went to the extremes that the comics did.
unlike with Mark Miller's more

that's one way to introduce a new antagonist to the show.
but they are kinda doing to themselves at this point, yeah she looks a little unstable(OK, a lot, you try being trapped in ice for whatever the hell long it has been since and remain mostly stable), but is just trapping her in slime and saying "eh, it's fine for

the director of the episode to Iwan Rheon(Ramsey) : "Here, eat an apple. It'll make you look like even more of an asshole."

well, he usually uses a zipper, but some of the more classier ones still have buttons.

hey Laurel, if everyone on earth 2 is exactly the opposite, why is this version of you still so annoying?
what? are you trying to taunt me? I can't hear you because you blasted my freaking eardrums! MOP! MOP!

A talking dog!?!

were they hacked into cancellation?

you don't understand man, children will start injecting spinach into their veins in order to have big muscles, IT'S ONLY THE START!!!

congratulations on writing one of the stupidest articles i have seen in a while.
next up: "why do so many cartoon animals talk, that gives unrealistic expectations for young children for their pets to start talking to them"

Kevin Smith can't do a show and not bring god into it?! (it's not exactly a complaint, just an observation)

there's a fine line between being cruel\sadistic\petty and being stupid and I think Ramsey kinda crossed it for me in the episode.

Bun Bun kinda reminded me of Mindy from Animaniacs:
"OK Lady, I love you bye bye"

"It’s still annoying that she’s the only combatant that shows skin,
especially when she takes damage at those exposed parts. Just cover your
shoulders, Ellie!"

the biggest problem has to be Jon Batiste.
I think he has negative chemistry with Colbert, every time he stops to have a conversation with him it's always awkward and you just want it to be over.
Steven has better chemistry with the guy that he keeps living under his desk.