"Thus ends today's Kimye wedding coverage."
"Thus ends today's Kimye wedding coverage."
"Lookit!! I'm broke but I got mad designer clothes and take helicopters! I have no reason to be in Cannes!!! #blessed #sobriety #itwasntevenmydrugs" -Lindsay Lohan
Wait a minute, Madge is edgy?
1) I know the whole point of this is "comment-free," but could you at least put the celebrity's name with the photo? Many of these accounts don't use anything resembling a real name, and many of these photos are not easily recognisable. I love Amanda Seyfried, but had no idea that was her photo until someone in the…
Gwyneth Paltrow would probably mistake my middle class suburban home for a refugee camp. And she'd probably be all Goldie Hawn in Overboard about it. "Ahn-drewwww! These gnats keep landing on my wet nail polish! Am I supposed to just walk around with their little corpses stuck to my fingers?"
Haven't refugees been through enough already?
Here is the source of the Angelina quote. It had nothing to do with the Chirline McCray or Goopy Paltrow for that matter. The media just loves to pit Angelina against other women.
What a dream. Total sincerity. Like, I actually hope this is my dream tonight.
You ladies can have your JLaw, Angelina will forever be my imaginary BFF. I love everything she says and does and hope that someday she and Brad and me and my husband can live in a wonderfully blended poly family and adopt all the babies.
Gwyneth Paltrow can learn a thing or two from Angelina Jolie.
I love how the Goopster has lowered the bar so much that Ms. Jolie even displaying the most basic level of rudimentary self-awareness is applause worthy.
As with all seemingly fancy Europeans, just tell them you see a gypsy behind them and watch things get ugly.
Says the author whose name is Madeleine.
In the late 80s, a high school friend spent a semester in France as an exchange student where his classmates nicknamed "sale Juif" (dirty Jew) after some of the boys saw him naked in the shower. He wasn't actually Jewish but the experience gave him a new perspective on how sophisticated and civilized the French can…
One thing I will give the French, and Europeans generally, is that most of them are rather well dressed. It is particularly noticeable at Singapore airport, where it is so easy to pick the Australians and the English ... total dags.
I understand everyone has different tastes. More for me, and all that.
This was my reaction, but Bill Gates is the wealthiest man in the world. He's worth $77 billion dollars.