
A few months ago I joked that Sofia Vergara would star in a Robert Rodriguez movie adaptation of the board game Sorry!. I think I would have preferred that over even Sin City 2, just to hear Vergara title drop the movie in her accent.

Yeah, I hate having to click the link just to see if it's literal.

Was he still "serious" in that movie?

So, Fast Times at Ridgemont High is so far Penn's only true "comic" role, and This Must Be The Place is meant to be taken 100% seriously? If so, Ben Stiller should have asked him to play Kirk Lazarus in Tropic Thunder.

Because he can't play straight these days. Or a plain-faced Native American.

Why were you?

Were you just making a pun, or did it involve actual bridle? If the latter, TMI.

Were you British or a hipster?

Dang, I already have one of their albums. 

Is this a "reboot" or something?

I'm a bit surprised at lot of these shows had the balls to use the original character names, rather than pull a Teen Wolf Too and create "replacement characters". After all, changing the movie's title implies the show isn't going to try to be a direct copy of the source material, right?

I don't think I've seen anything like the artstyle of that show.

I think there was a live-action unaired pilot from the mid-90s.

Why does the cartoon guy with the glasses and spiky red hair look familiar?


Did he have a new persona?

Why can't she have a full mask like Bats? Is it "more realistic" for guys?

Why doesn't he just take a break for once? He must have made a ton of movies he forgot he ever made.

Hey, isn't Starsky & Hutch a WB movie?

Was Bob Marley an actual pot-smoker, or does he just appeal to them?