I love my dog

Fuck Bateman and the rest of the AD dudes. They showed the world what they’re like when they’re together and how they dismiss and talk over their women coworkers. True colours.

i’ve had so many conversations with men since last fall about men’s toxic behavior only to be met with more toxic masculinity (most unintentional... let’s hope, but there regardless) from the men in my life that i trust and love. this fucks me up.

“I was so busy maintaining the status quo that I forgot to remember that women matter.”

It’s especially rich because her first TV role was in 1962, and Jason Bateman wasn’t even born until 1969. She’s been a professional actor for longer than he’s been alive. I think she probably has some idea of what is normal behavior.

I have loved Jessica for FOREVER (Read almost 25 years) and it is breaking my heart hearing the sadness and pain in her voice because yes NOONE is standing up for her. SHE has to be the one to let it go. Even though SHE is the one being mistreated, it’s “O come on, it’s not THAT bad”. Bateman is literally cracking

Total gaslighting. And it’s offensive, like she isn’t a professional actor herself, who knows what to expect on a set.

These men can FUCK OFF!

Ugh. Fuck all of them seriously. And it bothers me knowing they think they’re some of the good ones.

they can just go fuck themselves. the show isn’t even that funny. also i perused the article (will not read thoroughly cuz again, fuck them) and the most reasonable quote is from Alia Shawkat who is only quoted twice in the whole damn circle jerk of a “conversation”:

I am SO glad they included the audio in the NYT article. People need to HEAR how the men in the room COMPLETELY disregarded everything she had to say about it

I think this interview will feel very familiar to any women that wants people to know what happened to them was not okay, but also feel pressured to go along to get along.

No, Jessica, you don’t have to be friends with him! God I could cry.

This part was rough to read too:

It’s my favorite part on any article about Tinkle Lohan

Have you seen Richard Spencer, lately, though? Motherfucker’s practically bankrupt (he already was morally, but he almost is, financially). His credit card was rejected. He has canceled numerous speaking engagements because, SURPRISE, people generally think he’s an asshole, and that requires a security detail, which

Wow..that’s what you think someone would be jealous of? You definitely have the IQ of a snapping turtle. Way to go, bub!

Besides, it’s water. She didn’t get hurt.

Right? Like, yes, let’s rely on the other side acting in good faith and meeting us on an equal ground. Because that works so well every time the Democrats insist on “bipartisanship” with a party that actually fights for what its lunatic constituents want.

They’re all stupid suggestions. The only sensible solution is to stop playing the fucking national anthem.

People can bitch about not “resorting to violence” but part of making the world a nicer place for marginalized people is shutting up racists and other assholes. Punching Richard Spencer in the face, tossing drinks at Tomi Lahren, these aren’t just things that give me a warm fuzzy, they’re laudable actions that