And, Spoons

Yeah, I play both CCGs (digitally mostly) and PvP mobile games, and card upgrades are a staple of the latter, whereas growing your collection and finding synergies is really what CCGs are all about. Snap has grown on me, though I expect I will shortly hit the wall where the people I’m going up against will have

Yeah, as I’ve played it more it made more sense, in that the card progression is really just a sparkly thing to make you feel like you’ve progressed, whereas getting new card unlocks is the only true progression in the game.

I’ll admit I’m not quite getting on the hype train for this game yet... the mechanics are fresh for sure, but I think it’s the relatively meaningless upgrades that are sapping a lot of the energy for me, and to some extent the game mechanics themselves. Unless I’m missing something (I haven’t played it a ton yet), the

So now we’re just browsing Reddit and quoting whatever thread looks good? I expect this sort of thing more from those random gaming sites that feel like AI-generated clickbait repositories than Kotaku. (Note, the “three tweets = a trend” article style that is also very popular also sucks.)  

I don’t know why they think they need this extra step as a security precaution when their existing tactic of simply not allowing anyone to log in seems to be working just fine.

Right, but you’re talking about getting the whole thing for free for season 1, and then having to buy the Premium Pass (or grind) to get new heroes beyond season 1 — which is still ultimately cheaper (if the Premium Pass is around $10) for quite a while than Overwatch was at $40. I can’t see people who like the game

I don’t entirely get the uproar over the gated heroes. When Overwatch came out, you paid $40 and got the game and all the heroes. When Overwatch 2 comes out, you can pay $40 and get the game and all the heroes (if you’re a new player — existing players get everything already). Only now you can play it for free and

I just want to say, I don’t play basketball games and in fact couldn’t care less about basketball, but I’m greatly enjoying these reviews. Can’t wait for 2K24.

No one will see this because I’m a Kinja second-class citizen… but I agree with others who have pointed out that WotC just needs a new word — the “races” in D&D are clearly species, and getting rid of the concept of race would remove the unnecessary soapbox talking point that drives these articles, which would be

You know what they should really add to this — hear me out — is a set of toys that interact with the game, so you collect the toys and then the associated characters appear in the game. They could even add Star Wars and Marvel characters. The possibilities are... endless. Limitless. I feel like there’s another word

This strikes me as similar to being angry that Portal shifts from being an actual portal testing simulator to a defeat-the-evil-robot narrative (sorry, um, spoilers I guess?) — clearly cat-plus-robots-in-cyberpunk-town was the game they wanted to make, not a cat simulator. I don’t actually disagree with the author

Or any of the varieties that use cane sugar or stevia extract.

These are still better than the original 80s action figures, which had things like Luke’s lightsaber literally emerging from his arm — they were at least attempting some sort of dynamic poses in the 90s, though they are of course still ridiculous.

No doubt there are people who are addicts in a classical sense who get ensnared in schemes like this, but I suspect the majority are simply people who make a choice to play and decide not to check their impulses. The term “whales” came from casino gambling, and those whales are generally rich people who drop a pile of

Yeah, I completely agree that for-pay loot boxes are bullshit and it’s probably wise to outlaw them. I don’t mind them as much when they come as rewards for gameplay. The larger question of F2P monetization is stickier but I still would rather game companies go back to thinking like entertainment providers and

I agree that the F2P monetization model sucks, and has sucked since its inception. It’s unfortunate that Blizzard went this route with Diablo: Immortal, though I agree with the authors that I haven’t found it to be excessive or annoying at this early stage.

In light of Giz’s article yesterday about data trails being used against women seeking abortions in a post-Roe (and likely in the next few years, post-legal abortion) America, I would say it would be good practice for some people to start using VPNs and other privacy-enhancing practices to browse these sites.

Except Musk will never ban bots outright, because probably a third or more of his followers (and Trump’s) are bots. He needs bots to constantly repost, like and retweet his preteen-level humor to give him the validation he craves.

The consensus definitely seems to be that Marvel whiffed on this one — I’d be interested to hear your take on other superhero RPG systems as I haven’t played one in a long time. I had the book of Capes years ago, which had some interesting ideas, but I never actually played it.

I’m sure no one will even see this because Gizmodo doesn’t consider me important enough to comment, but: speaking as someone who played MSHRPG back in the day but who is not really up to speed on what kids consider “modern RPGs” of today, I can’t say I recall that game, or really TTRPG I’ve played, going to great