And, Spoons

It’s a fair comparison, you could probably fit a lot of coke in those side panels.

Though I get why people are upset about this, the ultimate cause is obviously insufficient supply — if the game stores sold their limited stock for normal prices (and maybe they should!), it would just sell out instantly and then most people would still have no way to buy it. One side effect of demand-driven pricing

I think in cases like this, where the artist is clearly capable of creating wholly original and high-quality artwork (or so it seems from the few examples), and is using AI as a tool to say something like “show me some different versions of this sword,” the lines become more blurry. Yes, the AI is still drawing from

I like “James Bone, whether intentional or Freudian.

Thanks. =) I personally don’t get their continued insistence on assuming all comments are in bad faith unless explicitly approved, nor the idea of an approval system based on random whim, as most other sites have done fine without such a system. I used to be able to comment openly on Kotaku, now I can’t. But,

This is Gizmodo where my comments don’t count, but I actually liked The Flash, despite half the CGI being quite dodgy — it was well-cast, Ezra Miller does a good job of being both self-deprecating and heroic, Keaton is Keaton and therefore fantastic, it didn’t even bother me that much that the villain retread was so

The original was not a particularly good film — usually the Hollywood remakes take a non-English arthouse film and try to make it more palatable to American audiences, but not only is this one not worth remaking, it’s not clear what they’re going to add other than recognizable actors. I’m a bit baffled by some of the

I do think that interview casts a lot of light on the situation — I understand why some people are upset, but I also think some have unreasonable expectations of what the producers of a show like the Oscars can do to perfectly, optimally ensure representation on such a complex production for a live TV show in a

(I started typing this before realizing this is Gizmodo and I’m not one of the Chosen, so no one will read it, but fuck it, I’ve already written it.)

With all the people Elon has pissed off with his general assholery, political shitposting and Tesla stock price degrading, I would think there would be plenty of lawyers eager to sue him, and I’m assuming a lawsuit is the only way forward since Elon’s response to everything is “lol”. Everything, including accidentally

It’s kind of astonishing to see how quickly conservatives have done an about-face on everything they previously claimed to believe in, particularly using the power of big government to punish corporations for exercising free speech in the name of “freedom, free speech and small government.” Because of course they

First, obligatory JKR is a bigot and by playing this game you’re (the general you, not the author here) basically saying you care more about playing a video game than anto-trans bigotry.”

I think it depends on what you’re looking for. Ultimately, delivering the setting so the diehard fans can squee “I’m in Hogwarts!!” is the game. Whatever you do beyond that -- and there is lots to do that’s very Harry Potter regardless of whether it’s what you’re looking for -- doesn’t really matter that much for a

A few valid points amid a lot of nitpickery... I mean, of course they had to adapt the way the spells worked in the books/movies to make it work as a game. As for the Ancient Magic thing, think about the whole point of the franchise — Harry Potter. He was otherwise an anonymous Hogwarts student who, shockingly, turned

We’ve already seen instances of art created by actual artists being accused of being AI generated, and the image above that was “called out as an AI-generated image by fans” was similarly identified as such by some random dude, with no suggestion of evidence. It seems to now be that if something “seems like AI” that’s

It did actually work as you’re describing, the directions could have been more clear but it’s hard to complain about free stuff.

Did the promotion specify when/how you’re supposed to receive the Pact Worlds PDF? I ordered the softcover core book with the code and got the 25% discount, but so far I haven’t heard anything about the Pact Worlds PDF and I don’t see anything in my Paizo account.

I agree with the pretty much universal “Yeah that’s a bad idea” feedback you’re getting, but I will also add that with any kind of competitive game based on deck building (be it cards or a game like Clash Royale), SO many of the people you’re playing just picked one of the flavor-of-the-week “this deck is so OP lol”

I ran into Ego for the first time yesterday, and was very amused -- I think it’s great that they’re playing with the format and in the end, not taking the game SO seriously that they can’t throw in little stunts like this.

I think stock photography is one thing, as the industry evolved to meet the lowest common denominator demands of marketing and is not exactly high art (though many photographers make a living from it). It’s quite another thing for these tools to literally be able to create art explicitly intended to adopt the style of