
omg yes! i came into the world of motorcycles after EFI became a thing and have been fortunate enough that every bike i’ve ever owned (both of them) has it... that being said, i appreciate EFI in the modern world, post apocalypse when the emp blasts have rendered all electronics useless, then i’m all for carbs...

wow... thank fucking god for EFI!

oakville assembly plant.. but it’s like they decided to stay friends with all their exes...

and they STILL got outsold and outclassed....

i for one can’t wait to relish in the sweet delicious irony when they do go under and the brand get’s bought up by geely or some other such chinese or indian multi-national...

awesome! now the 85 people who follow me will know that it really really is me!

if you are shopping for a short commute bike then any of the entry level 300ish cc bikes are great, and the reliability is bullet proof regardless of whether you land on a ninja, cbr, or r3. Which of these will be the best bike for you will depend on which one you feel most comfortable on terms of body position and

there is a very simple solution to getting new riders on harley’s and it’s that magic $5000 number...

that is exactly why i bought my first bike at a motorcycle show with hundreds of dealers where they could not pull that kind of shit and all i paid on top of my negotiated purchase price was taxes, and my second bike i bought private

skinheads =/= nazi

i was at woodstock 99 and as i recall the riots started after red hot chili peppers ended their set late sunday night with a cover of jimi hendrix’s fire

you should try buying a motorcycle... who whole experience is so so much worse. the industry is so much smaller by volume, that whatever the MSRP is on a bike is basically what you are going to pay + whatever bullshit markups the dealer will come up with... i was looking at a bike for about $7,900... once all was said

this is why google always botches the roll-out of all new nexus/pixel devices... no wonder there are shortages every year, the russians keep stealing them!

wait... am i not supposed to make soul glo jokes??

i love everything about this... the t-shirt, the pleated pants lol... just imagine how big the ‘go-pro’ must have been that they strapped to the hood to get those shots of his face... or strapped to the back of the car and how it must have affected the weight bias of the car...

i want an app that will give me the ability to choose fastest, twistiest, scenic routes!

most people who oppose “obamacare” actually support the “affordable care act”

wait... i keep reading and re-reading the story and i can’t seem to spot the part where the mustang drives into the crowd...

so uhm.... sick of winning yet?

if the expression on his face is any indication, it appears to be quite painful