
america works just like a car... you put it in (D) to go forward and (R) to go backwards...

ladies and gentlemen, i present: the christian right!

well... if you were a racist and dyslexic, i imagine you would probably shout GINGER!

this makes me close the tab instantly on any website i visit....

3rd: ahh, but one might ask what caused ontario to cancel these subsidies? well... remember toronto’s crack smoking mayor (RIP)??

like the maga crowd was traumatized by the results of the 2008 elections and having a black man in the oval office for 8 years

but what does a base model 4wd tundra cost... and how far would spending the difference in aftermarket bolt-on goodies get you?

Yo, let me just take a minute here and say thank you for linking screenshots of this bullshit and not direct links... Not only does it prevent a dead link should this piece of shit delete the original post, but you’re not sending more traffic at his bullshit.  (I can't believe more outlets don't do this!)

pffft by then i will be flying to work and back, so why would i waste my time and money on maintaining my car any longer?

pffft by then i will be flying to work and back, so why would i waste my time and money on maintaining my car any longer?

fraid not... seems she’s a supporter :(

well fuck me... i just bought a yamaha over the weekend :(

....and how does it know what the tire pressure is in my spare??

i want to see daytime running lights... on the rear of cars!

...this is what happens when you buy an e30 for $1800

through the miracle that is depreciation i bought myself a 2007 Lexus ES350 with about 80k km on it (roughly 50k miles) for just around what it would have cost me to get into a new fiesta... i have a wooden steering wheel, several cows worth of leather and enough wood trim to build a canoe... my seats are heated _and_

...that fucking timing belt, and the starter that is buried deep under a pile of stuff in the V of the 8

it’s tremendous!

is there a fan on in the room that these BMW are sleeping in??

*clean coal