
I love it so much. I did everything I could find, read all the collectables, rolled up a Jesse Faden character for my upcoming Prowlers and Paragons game too XD

I very rarely bother with side-quests or extra lore outside of a main story but Control was just engrossing. I can’t wait for the DLC!

We all like to think trolly people on the net are all these sad unfulfilled losers but the chances are a lot of them probably have lives outside of getting their jollies off being dicks to people online.
Hell, your best bud could jump online a couple hours a week get his laughs off being a troll then go back to his

Awesome achievement and SF seemed just asnhype to lose as the guy did to win!

CS is like that dodgy gambling hall in movies run out the back of a Chinese takeout or laundry shop. Everyone knows it is full of cheats and crooks XD

Ditko also got robbed XD

Let’s not forget Jobs, also an ego-hound taking credit for others work

Buddhist monks of that religion? You mean Buddhism...😂

Can’t help but smell the smug off that title. *eye roll*

Please, for the love of humanity, include a damn difficulty choice. I really liked Moon, but it became so mind bogglingly easy I couldn’t being myself to finish it.

Stupid comment system, cannot delete so just typing random crap instead.

Forget who it was, but Genjuro VS Earthquake, the Genjuro player did the same then ate a combo into super and lost the round XD

All this moaning about ‘no black female’ just makes me think they should really get round to putting a native American or Aboriginal Canadian in the game.
One of the most diverse, maybe the most diverse, triple A games to come out in the history of games and people still fucking take shots over diversity.
Sad bastards

Yeh, I’m sure we’ll all get great candidates that’ll make big changes and tackle the climate crisis for us...Wait, no, no we won’t. They system is rigged, vote whoever you want, if they don’t bow to the corporate agenda they have to leap hurdles and fight for even minuscule changes.

Came here to say the same. 

Playing team deathmatch on The World Is Not Enough n64. Skyrail was divided into two mirrored cable car stations with two cars that would loop between each side. My teammate started calling out “Get Toby! He’s going to the cable car!!”(We used cardboard as a screensplitter to stop cheating) I wasn’t close but I tried

Huh, can’t say I’ve ever had or heard of Joy-Con drift before. I had some issues with the left Joy-Con losing connection and making Lin run off cliffs when I first bought the console but luckily after patches it doesn’t happen.
I got 2 sets of Joy-Cons, four in the house if I include my brother’s ones, we must be very

Japan has a lot of iconic scenery. Despite it being roughly seven years since I stayed in Osaka, just a thumbnail on the sidebar was enough for me to think “That’s Osaka for sure”.
I’d like to visit Sapporo for the next time I make my way out to Japan

I’d be interested in an upgraded home console version with better controllers. No news on if the Lite even has a better battery span doesn’t seem promising. The reveal trailer just seemed to be listing off all the limitations the Lite has when compared with the regular switch and no advantages outside of ‘It is a

Fire Emblem games are typically. Put dude with tons of hp in choke point, laugh, win. The AI just mindlessly charge in even when they have 0% of even damaging the character and 100% chance of death. Comparing it to chess is ridiculous XD

Though, this one seems to have actual depth to the combat :)

Not sure on the full roster but from the banner it is only Spider-Gwen, Venom (If you ignore Dark Avengers) and Rocket/Groot that have not been Avengers

Shogun 2 is so good that everytime I try to play other entries into the series I just end up quitting and playing Shogun 2 again.