Pretty sure more people would know Daigo than this dude. Never heard of him
Pretty sure more people would know Daigo than this dude. Never heard of him
A sale as an incentive to spend money on products, stop the presses these devils must be held accountable! You couldn’t sound more butthurt if you tried, opening the article talking like Steam sales are some underhanded strategy only they employ.
“If you weren’t lucky enough to be born during the arcade’s heyday, when fighting games ruled the world, you’re already at a disadvantage”
Why is suicide now a forbidden word? He didn’t just spontaneously die, he killed himself. Are people that sheltered they cannot accept this happens?
Doesn’t need saving, fantastic series that has the balls to throw its protagonist into the gray that many shows are too scared to touch on.
Breath Of The Wild or Smash Ultimate
Do you live under a rock? Pretty much every business on the planet operates in a similar manner.
“We don’t call them loot boxes,” Hopkins began her response, adding that EA instead refers to them as “surprise mechanics.”
There is an entire Reddit dedicated to fixing Ranger. Damage wise they fall behind martial classes hard, utility wise and exploration they are beat out by any bard or rogue that wants survival expertise and social wise they can’t even hope to be as helpful as a caster or bard/rogue with persuasion/deception expertise.
We’re pretty much fucked at this point. No way corporations and big business are going to cut back enough to stop an extreme change happening. People would rather ignore the problem and keep convinience rather than cut back and except how bad the situation is.
RIP Toon Link :(
Played the Eng patch for it when it first hit, does all the nostalgia right and innovates in the old formula very well imo. My buddies and I gave up on it once it come to the crafting shit, get special items that give you a tiny oercentage of getting what you want and take hours and hours to grind....or you can buy…
Please, don’t force us into pseudo choices ala everything to do with Malady in DoS2
udoubtedly will not deliver the features or experience they promote, as per usual with this series, whole litta hyope for a watered down GTA.
Love DoS thought the second one was way too scripted and less reliant on good use o the element combonations. DoS2 the zones lacked the variety of the first game. Forest, forest, blood forest, island forest....Not to mention necrofire in every fight for 80% of the game was a bore. Using BRex AGAIN too..cmon guya faack.
Judging by the awful ‘walking’ animation and static dog models, I’d say this one is going to fail the ‘can you pet the dog?’ test
I think he is referring to HoTS
Creeped out by some random video game bug...People really are thin skinned huh?
Dhalsim is perfect, the dude’s face is very close to official artwork for the character
Same here. I tried playing WoW again a year back and it was sad. People ignore any communication you attempt and they bullruah through any dungeon or group stuff you do.
It was mind-numbingly dull and ridiculously easy to boot. Groups of mobs were dropping so fast we barely stopped to heal.