
Taste, heat( I find warm drinks relaxing ) , diversion( short mental break to take a sip while reading ), energy, spreading the dosage over time. That is all I can think of. I know a hazelnut cappuccino with cinnamon powder is a lot more appealing to me for the long commute to work than a pill!

Same. It’s not exactly a basic feature, but it’s an essential one.

Finally, / password for Notes! Just kidding.

This brought back memories of when I used to park my car outside. They are not good memories.

For me it means warming the car up enough to drive 5 minutes required to get out of the shade of the adjacent high rise buildings .

There is that , especially if they owner only has one set of car keys. There is the issue of distance, I lived in apartment complex once where parking was not reserved and if I got home late I would have to park a block of more away from my apartment building.

You can bypass that by adopting . want faster ? Rent your neighbors kids, they’ll probably want money for it, though!

1Password supports the Google authenticate timed password codes in addition to a static password . Generally, a factor in authentication is one of these - something you have(dongle, , key, passcard) , something you know(password,pin) , something about you (fingerprint. Retina) .

I’m still waiting for a limit of the number of times an alarm repeats. I’ve suggested it to Apple 20-something times since iOS 5!

That’s a great tip. I did not know about this.

Or nano over both?

Edit text - prose, configuration files, script code, scratchpad for notes, editing JIL files , csv files, and so on.

Being limited to 512mb for sharing game saves makes transfer impossible since my saves exceeded that even before I gamed frequently on the 360. They should have thought this through more.

Luckily for me, I don’t have to worry about pets rodents, or bugs so this works great!

Even if it did cost ~$5, that is so close to free that it’s a negligible cost.

We come bearing great news today: The all-new Roku app and the Xbox 360 apps are graduating from their Plex Pass preview period, and are now free for everyone! That’s right, the Xbox 360 app is now available to everyone, no Plex Pass required, and the Roku app, which used to cost five buckaroos and is one of the most

I’m more interested in what low cost hardware I could use to run 4 VM’s - Oracle server on Linux, ISS on Windows Server, LAMP on Linux, and one spare to experiment with new technologies.

I’ve been using Crystal, but I just ran into a situation where I *think* that I need to whitelist a site. During my search, I came across Purify which says it has the whitelist feature.

It looks like they removed your ability to disable/limit endorsements. Imagine that. I only have the ability to add/remove/re-order skills. there aren’t any settings. I tooled around the user account settings and did not find anything about skills or endorsements.

since now