
This is my situation exactly. When I get a house I plan on having a home gym. It's something you build up over time since equipment isn't cheap!

This article was good for a laugh. And it made me pause for a moment considering a world where this would work. Planning your work and setting expectations are excellent strategies to use, but the it's somewhat that may need to be done daily or even hourly, den pending on the work environment.

It really isn't that simple. Try support a dozen projects each with their own project manager, business analysts, qa group, and software developers. They all have their own activities, agendas, and schedules. And they each think theirs is the only project that matters . now, try to keep all of them happy with an email

I recently switched to Day One from Momento and could be be happier. I use it exclusively for journaling . I chose it for the great interface and the cloud sync feature that let me access it from any iDevice.

so what this article is saying is

I went digital last year after I discovered all of my paper documents in storage had been destroyed by water damage . That was after taking a job overseas and not being able to bring my files with me. I really wished that I had been using Evernote or Dropbox because every time I needed documents it was a huge hassle

while this would be confiscated in 2 seconds after bringing it to where I work, I do keep a humidifier running at home to keep the humidity around 30%

yep, and if the place or full or your date would rather go out to eat someplace else, you'll find yourself going back home to get money anyway. Horrible advice. I only use give cards for expenses that I can control, such as shopping online.

you win!

The majority of this advice applies to any investment type . A 401k loan is not a loan at all, I don't know who gave to that name but it is horribly inaccurate.

I'm ready to buy once I have the 20% down payment saved up and no debt :)

at least they didn't lie and put "useful "in the title

They should be paid a competitive wage and have get tips only for exceptional service . The only reason tips exist if to save employers from having to pay for their employees. Mandatory tips are a subsidy to restaurant owners.

I'm the same. I travel light and carrying cash goes against that. I always give coins away as I don't want to carry them at all. Swipe and go, that's what works for me. Plus you have you get money back when using rewards cards which is another incentive. Plus you need to look at where things are going, and cash is

That's great advice . I am going to start doing that today!

this is a non-issue if you use the YNAB method of paying this months expenses with last month's money. I never have to worry about paying this month's bills because they were paid for last month.
