
I don’t know that Buffy is the weakest, but she is a very specific type that Joss Whedon loves, which is the ass kicking lady who is also soft and vulnerable and needs a man, whereas Cordelia didn’t literally kick so much ass, but she didn’t need anybody. I prefer Cordelia too.

I don’t think it was a blanket No Americans in Any Role stipulation, but she refused to let Spielberg direct because he wanted Haley Joel Osment to play Harry and she insisted he be played by an English kid.

The most important question: Why is Edgar Ramirez wearing a shirt for the entire trailer? He’s going to be shirtless in the movie, right?

I know that she meant tweets, but I can only read it as twats.

I’m glad that Craig Parker was sweet because he is on Reign this season and is hot as fuck, so now I can be even more attracted to him.

I had a really excellent hand holder when I got my IUD put in at Planned Parenthood. She was the best.

Yeah, people gave us all kinds of bullshit advice when my brother had cancer. Like multiple surgeries and about nine kinds of chemo didn’t help, but sure, eating whole limes and baking soda will do the trick. Assholes.

We are pretty much the same person. Waited until marriage, then terrible terrible sex. I did have daily sex on my honeymoon, mostly because I felt obligated (although my husband didn’t pressure me at all), but on our wedding night we left the reception (which was a cocktail party, so it was early), went to our

In college there was a super friendly guy in my friend’s dorm who was always really excited to meet me. Every time he saw me he introduced himself, and after like the tenth time I just couldn’t take it anymore and said something like, I’ve met you like ten times now and you never remember me. You can keep asking my

The whore washed his feet, actually

I projectile vomited in the London Underground during morning rush hour. King’s Cross, and I was waiting for a train on one of the deeper lines, so I tried to get out and ended up stuck on a totally packed escalator. It came out, and I clamped my hand over my mouth so it wouldn’t get all over the dude in a suit in

Are those by Duke Riley?

I have always wanted to do that. Paint the Fibonacci sequence on my wall, I mean. Or maybe just as many prime numbers as I can fit.

My grandma has a severe latex allergy. It is ALL OVER her chart. Every single time she has a procedure, someone fucks it up and she ends up with a huge, painful welt. She had a procedure done on her back and ended up with perfect hand-shaped welt. Another time they gave her a latex oxygen tube in recovery.

I am totally stealing "my field o' fucks went barren."

Me too. :(

YES! My favorite favorite favorite.

There's a place in Eagle Rock that makes amazing huitlacoche tacos, but they call them "Corn Truffle" tacos.

I agree that comparison is totally valid.

It's a different pose, it's not black and white, there are a lot of differences. I wouldn't call it a replica.