
if mine ears could weep…

what was your plan here today?



@avclub-cca2521bc30a14c178a89e2f696a2368:disqus  4chan is where anonymous was born/lives, mostly on /b/ (the worst of the worst)

it is the collective id of the internet.

I have to admit, I got pretty excited when Gloria began to remove her dress before going in after the dog.


Wait. If this is Cabin Fever, what is that trippy movie with Chris Elliot getting shipwrecked (or something like that, I don't really remember)?

Great Job Internet is on the other side of the AV Club page now!

I agree.  The character isn't anything special, but he set up the montage AND the little mental-illness asides, which were pretty great.

Just curious GeoGreg, but did you look up what specific type of seaweed manatees prefer, or did you just have that turtlegrass reference waiting in your back pocket?

I can't no longer read/see/hear/whatever anything about The Dark Crystal without thinking of the Robot Chicken version…

yeah, pretty sure he gets hauled off to jail three years after "I'm Not That Guy", which would be (I believe) one year ago.

sorry for misunderstanding your comment.

i mean, would you prefer a more steroetypical gay character?


i can't tell if that is sarcastic.

Why, Rhett! How many times have I told you to wash up after weekly cross burning?

holy crap he looks old.