
"… like confetti out of Rip Taylor."

yeah, I'm not saying that there is an imminent Muslim Holocaust or anything like that, but just that it is frighteningly easy for widespread hate/racism/whatever to take root.

To the point you made about attitudes towards Muslims in the west, check out the comments section of this Yahoo article about a 9/11 coloring book: http://news.yahoo.com/9-11-… Sort the comments by oldest first, and then look at which comments got more likes, and which got more dislikes. A few examples…

shouldn't you have an Irri account for that, The Malcontent?

is that a known thing, or a rumor?

This point always confused me.  Ozai would definitely kill Azulon, but not just to protect Zuko.  Ursa would probably (I guess?) kill Azulon, but then why does Ozai get named Firelord?

Even though it has probably been more than a year since I last saw 'The Chase', the final shot of Zuko kneeling next to Iroh after chasing off Aang et. al. is still clear in my mind… One of my favorite moments from the entire series, I think.

speaking of which, where is THE BOULDER gimmick poster?

I think the reason that episodes like The Great Divide and Avatar Day get a bad rap is because the rest of the series is so stellar that they stand out a lot more than they would in a normal show.

Did that ever crop up again, or was it a one-and-done sort of thing?

This comment has been deleted for stupidity.

cersei doesn't seem like the kind of person to flinch at murdering babies.