
I've always wandered when helicopters are cruising with the doors open and banking. these chaps must be straped in right. Or in films when you see some bad ass spec ops guys sitting on the edge of little birds

sounds like she was a bit of a kid

nice reply :)

that's kind of what i was getting at. imagine all hell breaks lose. proper war. america thinks, shit, we need this buggers. surely that would be a consideration and how long do you think it might take ? bit of a piece of string question i know

how much do we think one of those bags costs ?

if needed. can these things be good to go pretty easily ? or are they completely stripped of all " freedom goodness "

props for galaxy guest usage


whats actually going on ??? also, what are the things on the end of the wings, sort of look like missles but aren't

and vietnam. glad this happened to these turds. so many western tourists not respecting the rules / beliefs of the land.

maybe have a chat with some one if you think you might be heading that way. might be, might not be. can only find out right and it won't hurt :)

or maybe a squidge of depression. im a bit like that and have put it down to that. almost as you're not really letting / or can even let those ' normal ' feelings out. then again. i could be chatting shite

this is pretty much what my mum said to me before she married my step dad

I bloody love this blog. The only thing that sucks about it is that it isn't updated every 20 minutes. Do one on the SAS :)

I can confirm Surbiton is a shit hole

Like a boss!