
"Waterspouts are tornadoes over water" (Diaz)

I hate all these articles that pertain to 4chan. Quit promoting your favorites tab and let us get on with our lives Sam.

Sam, your an idiot. Don't pride yourself on being a b-tard too.

I'm disapointed there arn't any hallucinations in the video ... :( maybe for the film they can introduce Radeon and CO2 into the movie theater. Just for shits and giggles.

When do fanboys of apple find out it's really junk they've bought?

Why do so many people complain theres no mousepad? Its not like you can play an FPS that way reguardless...Although some of the CSS servers I see its obvious they're trying.

+1 for multitasking

We need some pc love in here, I need a gaming mouse .<

Me: "I would like the option of a pat down"

...Who assumed it was any different?

So...Instead of making a new tutorial on Transistors and Sensors you just posted Collin Cunningham's video tutorials? I thought most people learned that stuff last week?


Doesnt work on ie...?

Where is WiMax supported and what is its cost?

How much does WiMax cost? And what size region does it support?

I recently bought the Casio Exilim for slow motion footage, it shoots in 210,420, and 1000 fps. Each setting has minor draw backs but for the price, its far worth it. The 420 fps isn't very usefull unless your outdoors but most shots are outdoors anyway. The 1000 is mostly useless unless you're in high lighting and

I just laugh at how after you all find a problem with your phone your willing to accept it. It almost seems this articule is trying to justify a flaw. Apple isnt about software , its about a trend. The day the next iphone hits stock , no matter features, nor flaws, nor price, you will buy it.

(Although I'm sure the same people complaining are ready to buy the next iphone, as soon as apple drops the hint)

Good luck! would like to see apple shit its pants for once when everyone else follows suit.

Apparently 1Watt. Not as strong as it looks, although for 227$ its a fairly good deal. A DiY version would be significantly cheaper though and I wouldn't advise you waste that much on an overpriced WikedLaser.