
Gotcha. That seems like a reach to me, but I’m just a childless woman who isn’t on TV so what do I know.

I bet you she is more salty that two swanson dinners and a bowl of ramen.

I don’t know the situation but I think you are reading a lot into this. It sounds like a frustrated mom dealing with a major transition period in the relationship. The rest is just projection. Eta: and to add, young people also have to learn to have a relationship as an adult with their parents. It’s usually a mutual

What’s the best thing to get for family on the 24th from the Sunoco station or bodega down the block from my parent’s place? I’d like to pass this info onto my brother before he heads over for dinner that night.

Just buy a perpetual time share. That way, you can pay for your progeny’s vacation forever and close the books on that issue.

I’m really confused because I JUST saw a celebrity gossip mag cover that said she had an emergency c-section last week. So now celebrity gossip magazines don’t have a good handle on celeb pregnancies and births? What is the world coming to?

When I was a kid (born 1970), we got generic everything and the packaging never let you forget as it was literally generic black and white with just the name if the item.

I’m perfectly chill, if a little hyperbolic. I noticed that Gawker is posting fewer celeb posts lately. The transfer of a standing column from there to here suggested that, as Denton said would be the case, this would become more of a gossip hub than it was before.

Seems like it's going to be a rough thread, so...comedy.

Miss? What's that? Was there a big exodus here that I missed. Did folks go away? Help an idiot out?

Hell, I think I’d like to try out some of these tools on certain family and friends after certain major political and/or world events. Just for a week or so. Like this week, for example.

Alone time is THE BEST. As an introvert, there’s nothing as rejeuvenating than being left the hell alone for a while.

What you don’t like that? I’m really thankful that there are caring individuals out there waiting for BCO to drop so they can let me know when a story is faaaaaaaaake so I don’t end up believing it and eventually elevating it to a diety and worshiping it and going to war for it and eventually breaking off from the

You could just drown yourself in the countless folds of soft denim.


And at least where I live, they charge a fee if you drop them off. Not a big deal if you are dropping off one cat, but a huge one if you have 14. Not defending her at all and I hope she suffers as much misery as she inflicted on those animals, just saying that even kill shelters may not have been a solution.