Despite the claims of his attire, he really doesn’t seem to be in the mood to take BS.
When he retires he’s going to open a restaurant called The Redasserie
The Cubs had to wait 108 years to win a World Series and John Lackey is going to make damn well sure everybody else has to wait 108 years as well.
Wilt’s involvement in trains is well documented
Wilt slept with 10,000 can’t do that living in Philly.
The USMNT is an example of something that is actually disrespectful to the troops.
Because the genie is being detained in Gitmo. Come on. Somebody with those powers from that region was never going to be allowed back into the real world.
Like Goodell, I really regret that Kaepernick took a knee and ultimately distracted all of us from the really productive conversations being had about racial bias in policing and whether or not the President was a secret socialist muslim born in Kenya
9/11/2001 was the day the flag became the US Military Flag and the anthem became the US Military Anthem. We can’t put that genie back.
Fuck Jerry Jones. Fuck Donald Trump. And fuck the Cowboys. You ain’t America’s team anymore. That honor belongs to the Jacksonville Jaguars.
Yeah, well, Bret Favre was tripped up by his own dick.
The following is an excerpt from my new screenplay, Hamilton’s Terrible, No Good, Horrible, Very Bad Day.
You don’t tell a lie that bad to people you respect.