Mark this date on your colander!
Mark this date on your colander!
I don’t get the fuss. Middle of the country’s been unenlightened for some time.
as this is the internet, i suspect by this time next year we’ll all be driving down Freeway McRoadFace.
It has to be so freeing, to give so few fucks like he does. I mean, I don’t give a lot of fucks, but the amount he gives has to be approaching if not actually zero. If you could measure the amount of fucks Marshawn gives in atomic movement, it would be the lowest temperature ever recorded in the universe.
I don’t know this girl, but does she not look exactly like Imogen Poots in that photo?
He’s like a kid out there: Not paying attention and screwing up.
It’s pretty impressive how well he is transitioning into an outspoken leader in the community. Ali really struggled with it and finally came to a head with the draft. Jordan and Tiger both lamed out, Barkley is the living embodiment of survival bias, Kobe only cares about Kobe, and Shaq is just a little too close to…
Education is neither the sole source of intelligence nor a prerequisite for truth.
Devers delights denizens, dutifully delivers dingers, defense and depth...
Seriously, take this guy instead. He can’t even WOO
God can take me instead.
This man’s continued existence is proof that JFK was not killed by any government plot.
Who do you think was in Leonardo Da Vinci’s pussy posse?
Easily the most inappropriate sexual activity I’ve seen going on at a subway since Jared.
This is pretty rare. Usually in these videos, it’s the MTA fucking the passengers.
Talk about riding the rails, amirite?!?!?!?!?
I’m glad someone finally found a use for Jim Carey’s Riddler.