Ike B

One is a message of hope and promise 

I’m gonna level with you since you seem like a straight shooter: I don’t really think that junkyard guy had the same R&D budget as the supercar division of the largest car manufacturer in the world.

Yeah lights with long cycles definitely exacerbate people flooring it on a yellow light. The light right outside my neighborhood, if I miss it, is nearly 4 minutes wait. It’s by far the longest light on my hour-long commute. And you can see it for 1/4 mile away. Without fail, as I’m rounding the curve where it comes

This person wasn’t saving time. This person was texting. When you blow through a red light within a second of it changing, that’s saving time. When somebody blows through 30 seconds later, that’s them doing something that should get their license taken away.

I dunno. I mean Bugatti took the same displacement and same amount of turbos and put out more than double the horsepower on basically the same engineering budget.

Yeah considering how the biker was acting, especially wanting to get “revenge” after being flipped off and flipping the guy off in return, I’d say he’s got problems. I’m a motorcyclist and I’m constantly thinking about not making the motorcyclist community look bad, so that car drivers won’t hate us and consider any

You’d think, but I pulled this kind of scam quite a few times back in college by just having a ticket up there to prevent myself getting another.

This only works if you have more than one barnacler out patrolling at the same time so they wouldn’t know what you did, or a lone barnacler who believes in ghost barnacles.

So you didn’t drive it into the ground then?

Assuming that it turns out one of my balls shoots out eggs, so I can just use my wife as a host body for my clone, I’m doing the exact opposite of everything my father did and gunning for the FIA championship with my very first baby.

As someone who’s owned almost exclusively 25-30 year old BMWs and Volvos for the last 15 years, yeah, I know how you feel. Anything newer than 2005 feels like a brand new car to me.

Well that’s terrifying

This sums it up pretty well.

Hey it’s entertaining writing! (yours)

This entire comment section has been storytime for my old truck, but yeah, there’s internet commenter slow, and then there’s actual slow. That Cherokee would be actual slow. My ‘96 Ranger with the 2.3 in it needed damn near full throttle just to keep 80mph on the freeway. Imagine what it needed to get up there.

Yeah this is one of the few things my current state (FL) has over my former state (CA). Most onramps around here are more than 1/8 mile long, and some that share with an offramp are more than a damn mile. It’s rare you truly need to bury it to get on the freeway.

I didn’t even think twice about driving WOT roughly 80% of the time I accelerated in my Ford Ranger (2.3). That thing was slow as hell. You just get used to doing that because frankly, you need all she’s got. 

I remember being impressed by how torquey the 2500 was when I drove a friend’s stickshift B series. I had a Ranger with the 2.3 in it that was just uselessly weak in all conditions. That thing you had to beat on like a racecar to get it to go anywhere, and this is coming from a guy who’s had Volvo 240s with 114hp that

The idea of buying a new car over a weekend just seems ludicrous to me, but I’ve never been rich enough to walk into a dealership and throw down Hyundai Accent money like it aint no thang.

I was about to sell my drag racer Volvo to somebody four states away when I took it for a shakedown run first. A mile into it the entirety of the right rear tread delaminated in a solid doughnut. There’s a chance that tire rotated too much.