Ike B

Yeah that’s about what I was thinking the two times I’ve been down, and the one time on my Hawk GT I got on it going around a corner and the bike did this weird side-to-side pogo then rear slide then pogo action before finally hooking up and straightening out.

No? How about you read that again, only without running it through a filter of “what minor point could I nitpick out of here and act like it’s the main argument.”

Well in that case cheers

No kidding. My FB feed is just nonstop readability suggestions and AP style rule citations.

Cool so your tolerance lesson today is if I use a word that’s only offensive to people who go out of their way to get offended on other people’s behalf, then my opinion about a factually provable error *doesn’t matter.*

Your point would be better made if you said “you’re acting like an asshole” rather than “you are an asshole.” That’s taking one statement and turning it into an entire characterization of a person, which is ridiculous and callous.

This ^ is how a headline is supposed to work.

What’s wrong with you?

This kind of trouble makes me really sad for how far down BMW has fallen on the reliability scale.

I should really get on the local former Liverpudlian who’s been in my neighborhood for a decade and doesn’t talk like a Southerner yet.

The problem with impeachment being that, even if somehow a Republican congress somehow managed to do that to their own party, which they absolutely won’t, because they’re dicks, if Trump gets impeached the Democrats don’t magically get to have a president now despite “whoops, the president was so shitty we had to

The guy can do “some welding,” and by that he means near-expert level welding.

The hope is that Trump, no longer requiring to be elected by insane people, goes back to the party he’s been with for most of his life and starts acting like a Democrat again. At that point his stubbornness would pay off bigtime against the horrifying bills the GOP congress will try to pass (or revoke).

You’re the puppet. You’re the puppet.

‘05 tC

For me it was probably the 10 hours it took to replace just the left side wheel bearing on my wife’s Scion.

I’ve developed a theory that multi-valve engines have kinda destroyed cool engine sound. I’ve noticed it because there are enough examples of cars before and after they went from 2 to 4 valve configurations but retained largely the same engine otherwise (Volvo’s redblock, BMW’s straight sixes) that you can hear it for

There’s a nightmare playing out behind those eyes, ushered in by the people he wanted to dream of better things.

That’s one of the worst parts of all this. People can and will act like the character thing is just a sideshow issue, but the fact is the last time we elected a Republican president we ended up with two wars and a catastrophic recession.

Yep, just Nate and the USA. Oh, and the whole world. That too.