Ike B

The danger with that being if he misplaces a few 100mph pitches, it’s just more blast energy launching the other way when somebody inevitably puts a bat on it.

They really should just call Bumgarner’s 5-inning-long 2014 World Series Game 7 save a win. That Affeldt got the win pitching 2 1/3 innings of middle relief is just retarded, an anomalistic statline glitch based on the Giants happening to score the lone winning run in the final frame he was on the mound.

I’m white and even I got a “fit the description” detainment once. Got pulled over by a cop after I drove through a grocery store parking lot.

Reminds me of Wes Welker doing his best Scott Weiland impression.

I sure hope that’s not what he meant, though it sure as hell seems he was commenting on how the media weren’t actually present to stop the random assault that police also were not present for, and so the media were therefore “late” for it.

I’ve gotta point out the irony that I got grayed (and for a few months, shadowbanned outright) for more than two years on Deadspin for telling a guy “fuck you” for making a “trail of tears” joke on this site (among many who added more jokes about Native American genocide). He got to keep posting after that. I did not.

And which party might that be?

That was just an apropos of nothing burn on the tC.

If you can really say that, I don’t think you realize how catastrophic to nearly every part of our way of life having Republicans control all three branches of government would be.

shitty ‘80s Volvo wagon

But hey here are 10 new crossovers for you to buy, because wagons that are 4" lower are somehow too limp-wristed to drive.

In fairness this story broke, ya know, yesterday.

Oh they’ll try. Towing companies are the devil, if the devil was stupid and more corrupt.

they finally agreed that they would unhook my car free of charge.

That’s pretty unnerving that those tires nearly allow the wheels to touch down on the pavement like that. It’s like their grip actually overwhelms the sidewall stability, which is a really bad combo.

I really hope I don’t have to point out to you that Minis have continually gotten bigger since literally forever.

Mini should just get it over with and build the biggest car in the world, like a civilian model MRAP, with five winches and a tailgate MINI badge that’s bigger than the original Mini.

I look forward to losing a small portion of a $35 billion bank account one day.

Imagine the level of prescient cognition necessary to turn into a dinosaur without being sure the camera is looking, but still having a pretty good idea that you’re about to become world famous. That guy’s a cerebral superhero...slash tyrannosaurus.