It’s rare I’m that guy, but the Cubs have been to the playoffs a bunch of times in the last hundred years. The curse is the elusive World Series win.
It’s rare I’m that guy, but the Cubs have been to the playoffs a bunch of times in the last hundred years. The curse is the elusive World Series win.
She was allowed to do what she did, and is releasing the emails, consistent with public records requests. If you’ve ever actually submitted a public records request, you’d have found it’s slow and annoying to get a response, for pieces of information that are ostensibly not scandalously cloaked.
God Garden State was just so self-indulgent and manic-pixie-dreamgirl.
“Man F40s are totally shit but I would absolutely drive this one” - one inevitable commenter
Yeah I like ruining jokes too
Frankly I’m curious how they managed to break a 320i engine in regular use. Those things were pretty well bulletproof.
Good God that’s brilliant.
You had a solid point, but you have to keep in mind that if you leave any qualifier out that could save you from being harped on, someone will find your post and take a rip on you for it.
The curse can only be cured by fans having four whole chickens and a coke, or dry white toast.
Yeah people seem to forget that every given moment that a new rule happens, it tends to be because of the collective wisdom we gain from experience. Nothing’s going to be perfect right out of the box.
As somebody who’s in a business that constantly deals with realtors, it’s f’ing amazing how they manage to make any given moment seem like the perfect time to buy a home. It could be the great depression and they’d just change the pitch slightly and keep on rolling.
I haven’t seen it, but there must have been fake gold everywhere.
Hey, I got sent back to the grays for saying the F word to a guy who started a joke thread about the genocide of thousands of Native Americans.
Yeah I imagine “busy Idaho freeway” to mean “other car visible within Earth-curvature horizon.”
“Except the B-52 was not a WWII airplane. It’s maiden flight was in 1952.”
Having owned BMWs from the era (I still do) it’s funny that, just looking at the car, I’d figure the exact opposite would be true. Subjective is as subjective does, but that might be the ugliest BMW of all time.
If you really want to stop driving recklessly for a while, go to sometime. It’s pretty much all motorcycles, but the lesson is the same. Horrifying stuff though.
Based on your response I think I need to clarify that I wasn’t calling out your logic, as the logic has already been spoken of many times by many people.
If that logic actually held up, people could slide as horrifically as they wanted and just say “hey, you didn’t punish some other guy for it, so you can never punish anybody for it, ever.”