I know you’re getting douched to death about the Anne Hathaway thing but this was still amazing.
I know you’re getting douched to death about the Anne Hathaway thing but this was still amazing.
This is the only sports story anyone ever needs to read.
“Oh shit bro. Hold me so we can hide the stains.” [holding goes overboard immediately]
Came here to say DBS but yeah, as far as “timeless” goes, you’re damn right. It has all the DNA of a DB5, just bulked out and two-thousandy. Oh and you can get it with a 510hp V12 that roars like God, connected with a 6-speed rod attachment between your arm and the road.
Oh God people pulled the pedantic angle anyway. I’m sorry about this, but ya know, people on the internet.
In truth most of us have a healthy respect for 911s. He’s just rich. Rich people can afford to buy them. And crash them, apparently.
New Rule: You don’t get to ride in a Porsche to do a story about a Porsche if you can’t do the five seconds of research to know how to say Porsche before you go on the air in front of thousands of people who know you’re doing it wrong.
Yeah it’s a bit confusing that he didn’t notice the giant semi trailer parked right in front of him on a pretty open road with no visual impairments.
What’s especially callous about this situation is he’s driving what for all intents and purposes is his DD beater car here, around people’s pristine one-of-a-kind irreplaceable time capsules, and doing it at the hairy edge of control on a heavily trafficked public road.
Humility too
I’m pretty amazed they even let people carry a 40lb camera and ride a Segway at the same time.
I’m interested in this censorship you mention, as it’s difficult to notice if you’re not the commenter who got deleted.
Did you figure out who the employee was and fire him? Seems like a terrible liability to have on the payroll.
Well we’ve found the worst possible comment about this.
This is one of those rare occasions where the new car is so insanely good that it’s difficult to get wistful about the old one. I’ve been in both cars, the GT-R being one that was tuned to about 800hp. That car was like being in Gran Turismo with a car maxed out and the physics turned off. It seemingly had infinite…
The world is full of fucked up parents. He did get the part right about raising a champion son. He just didn’t get the part right about realizing it.
Elite athletes are elite because of a mass combination of factors that all play into making you stand out on top: muscular strength and explosiveness, coordination, reflexes, cardiovascular efficiency, recovery ability, imperviousness to pain, competitiveness, training regimen. Most of those are affected by…
BTW this is really reminiscent of the first gen Subaru Forester/Forester XT argument from ~15 years ago.
That’s an impressive find in a car like that, where you basically have to go out of your way to find an automatic without power everything.