
Understeer is when you turn the steering wheel, the car goes off the road straight in to a tree, and you die.

“Do you know how far away I was from being my high school valedictorian? My high school valedictorian went to Yale and is currently in medical school. I’m sitting in my bedroom eating Doritos and writing about mail I get. That’s how far.”

If you glance very quickly at the mug shot up there...

Everything I want is too expensive and by the time I can afford it humans won't be allowed to drive anymore. Doesn't sound like life is worth living

In the battle of the Jutland in WW1, the germans had a major fire on a battle cruiser and managed to get it towed back to port. The post mortem of the fire suggested that they were getting mixing between the compartment with the shells and the compartments with the cordite through the elevators. When WW2 rolled

I call these types of cars ‘Battle cruisers’ Full size fire power in a mid-size package. Well done. Looks like quality work.

Driver stayed calm, but the dashcam was FREAKIN’ OUT

Needs more flames.

1991 Honda CR-X HF