Really good point. It’s nothing catastrophic as long as you go into it with eyes wide open, have some money to put into maintenance, and aren’t expecting something you can drive another 100k with nothing but oil changes.
Really good point. It’s nothing catastrophic as long as you go into it with eyes wide open, have some money to put into maintenance, and aren’t expecting something you can drive another 100k with nothing but oil changes.
As presented, 2k for a 4WD runner with no major issues, NP.
Well, that’s one way to mention the start of the impeachment trial.
Just don’t blow your wad getting one, or you’ll have a bit of a mess on your hands.
2nd Gear: Big missed opportunity with the name on the new trade agreement. If only they’d called it the Mexico-Canada-US Agreement, it could have been McUSA.
“Why offer cheaper cars when we can just offer longer loans for more expensive cars?”
I can’t take credit for this one, because I read it in a comment on the War Zone article on these helicopters last week, but...
You can’t talk sense to Trump - he’s convinced no matter what brand it is, if he was in control, Edsel a ton of them.
Absolutely true. This was my first job. Tanned, wearing the red trunks and shades, I looked far cooler than 15=year-old me had any right to expect. Not, like, *actually* cool, but close enough an approximation as I was ever likely to get.
Jesus Tapdancing Christ this shit makes me angry. I work in technical writing and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told “hey, we’ve found this (generally unacceptable) risk in our product, but rather than fix it, can you just put some kind of warning in your documentation?” Here’s a brilliant concept - fix…
I’m a simple man. I see an umolested CRX, I vote NP.
I know a lot of current sportswriters are into Jason Isbell and maybe The Hold Steady still.....
This is the exact complaint I voiced to my wife earlier. The writing team aimed at “ambiguous” and landed on “contradictory”.
There’s one of these that ‘lives’ near me - I pass it going to/from work fairly regularly. At one point, it had a giant (well okay not giant, because nothing on this car is, but it took up a large portion of the hood) Norwegian flag painted on it.
They’re hoping it’ll bring them an Eruption of new business.
A few days after I got my license, I had to drive home at night for the first time. I was driving my mom’s ‘94 Plymouth Grand Voyager (in You Bet Your Ass It Was The 90's Teal, of course). To turn the lights on, you punched a button on the dash. Hi-beams and lo-beams were controlled by the turn signal column, as they…
I’m still surprised there’s not electrification in the current generation.
I’m on that blurry line of millennial/not-millennial. I’m 33, married with two kids. We moved to our second house in a not-quite-but-sorta suburb because it’s close to work and our kids’ school. I drive a ‘13 Ford Fusion because it’s paid off and my wife drives a ‘14 Impreza hatchback. We may move up to some sort of…
Oh come on. It’s not like anything like this has ever ended in tragedy bef...