
Awwwww thank you! If you ever feel comfortable, you should post your work. I’m considering posting mine one day - maybe I should embrace my inner abstract artist as well, since my more realistic attempts at recreations of my dogs have been less than successful - they’re coming off as cute cartoons which is making me

LOL no. I’ve just taken several art history classes and am going through a phase where I’m trying to get to know myself better and be kinder to myself as well. Painting and artistry kind of run in the family though, despite that for me I’ve never really explored visual art because I always considered myself to be

Buster says ‘paws up!’

Blanchie, doing Jenga paw work.

This little pudge just wants to go to sleep.

Ask and you shall receive!

Our youngest is enamored with climbing onto my books to stare at himself in the big mirror lately.

*GASP* we are wearing the same thing, you have to change and put on a dog or something

These are my two nuggets, Kevin (orange) and Noodle (white). They always cuddle.

I’ve been home sick today. My girl is delighted by all the time sleeping between Mommy’s legs. Such a snuggle bug!

Here’s my dog who has destroyed my lovely couch, throw cushions, and blanket with his need to get comfortable. I love him so much I don’t even mind.

Here’s my dude at the precise moment he realised the futility of life.

These are my butthead cats snuggling tonight since it’s cold.

My Gus Monster snuggle-stealing the blanket I bought for myself, but lost immediately to Cat Needs.

Veronica is on top and Hiro is on the bottom.

I’m sure many of you saw that Lindy West left twitter this week. I wish I could link to the article she wrote about it (on mobile but if anyone else could I would appreciate it!) because it had some really good points that are resonating with me.

My NASA engineer sister says that Hidden Figures is good — so that’s may be an option.

I’m seriously going to be sad and stressed this next week (work anxiety, husband traveling, poor weather). So tell me what you ladies do when you have down time and want to indulge in some self-care to cheer yourself up and/or keep spirits level :)