
I honestly see continuity of similar strategies and systems, translated to an American rather than German audience. The Nazis weren’t innovative; they were a continuation of existing historical and cultural practices. Similarly, the Trumpists have doubled-down on some of the deepest and most entrenched values in

Most evil is banal. Great intelligence isn’t necessary.


Every major appointment is a person specially qualified to dismantle whatever aspect of government their office supposedly represents. I absolutely cannot believe I have been put in the position of defending the value of institutions. Punk rock has lead me wrong for the last time.

Mr. President looks really happy. I’m so fucking scared.

Honestly, I enjoyed ANTM back in the day, but I’m also pretty certain it contributed in a significant way to my issues with my body. The whole model aesthetic strikes me as horribly violent.

Hopefully never. That response merely means you are still sane.

I’m not super-versed in his music, but I’ve never heard him be misogynistic - which is so amazingly rare for any artist . . . or person. I hope the music industry doesn’t sully him. He’s so fresh.

Why’d you have to use the second person?! *full body shudder*

Society of the Spectacle, baby.

This sullies my memories of The Voyage of the Mimi.

This sullies my memories of The Voyage of the Mimi.

It’s hard to say when it’s time to confront a belligerent (threatening violence) person. Sometimes, a confrontation escalates things and does more harm than good. I read a piece a while back that recommended you instead focus on helping the person or people being threatened. Move near them, talk to them, stay near

Well, on one hand, you’re right that the Left in general need to abandon this tendency to view the Right with naked moral contempt . . . if only because that attitude won’t win any new allies. On the other hand, while a resurgence of logic and reason is very much needed, I’m not convinced arguments of fact are likely

This is a really wonderful resource! Thank you for sharing!

You have a point. I’ve been doing a lot of soul-searching and feel quite a bit of guilt for allowing infotaining “news” distract me from the dead-serious situation that has been evolving. Of course, my own little attempt at self-improvement doesn’t achieve much either. So, I’m developing resolutions for political

I spiral between outbursts of rage and deep falls into despair. I feel pretty self-conscious because I have to pull my shit together at work and that takes all I have. At least most of my family are Democrats.

That sounds magical.

My God! I’m at SIU and heard about this earlier today. This is wretched tragedy. My heart goes out to you and your friend.

I’m cooking up . . . a revolution! :P