
yeah, and i think thats what people just do not get. i just feel like a lot of times people in the comments section live in this philosophical world where things don't ever get dicey ever and can get up on a soapbox without ever being in that said situation, and one can never know how they really will react when

Thank you for this. This is exactly what I suspected and tried to express, and you did it much more eloquently.

Sorry, but I cheered at this article. This girl is in a situation where it is clear she is being emotionally violated, and based on the tone of the article it would not be surprising to me if it went beyond that. She is not being protected or advocated for by her mother, and it seems like she is the oldest sibling.

Even my white husband peeped the doobie wrap from a mile away. For shaaaame. No rat tail comb in the limo? C'mon, Ri. C-.

The only people that are confused are white.

Well, thin privilege is having a medication tested for effectiveness on people of your own size. I actually DO think this is an example of thin privilege to an insane degree—that the creators of this drug (and the orgs that approved it) apparently didn't even think to test it for women over 165 lbs is pretty crazy

Real Estate does it all the time.

Someone help these poor women crying for help and validation!!

A) Stop. Please. You are making the term 'feminist' embarrassing. Right now, the Surpreme Court is poised to review a 9th circuit ruling that relates to defunding Planned Parenthood because it offers abortion services and you are on about selfies. This is absurd. We are trying to fight real battles. This isn't one of


So, I think Biebs was just trying to draw a gangsta' gorilla. HOWEVER it is not only a stupid fucking move, a stupid fucking drawing, and stupid fucking way to treat the country you're a guest in—this is preetttyyy racist looking.

There is something profoundly heartbreaking about this, because while it's sweet that he has this imaginary safe space, it's a really bad sign that he's trying to will her into being rather than build that kind of rapport with an actual human person. It's like the Japanese pillow girlfriend thing, minus the self

Every asshole wants a tall girl until we're towering over them in heels.

Voice of all men: Nobody wants a fucking Delorean. Also, who is this "other" Paul!? I'm getting a solid gold lion right now.

I don't think the Miley/Robin grinding is a big deal. It's a dance routine, they're professionals. It looked awkward and yucky, but I don't think we can glean anything salacious regarding the two of them from it.

The funny thing is, having that song as a duet with a female singer who wasn't playing coy made it slightly less creepy.

Trapped in a closet is a cinematic gem. I believe it began on the radio—a musical soap opera. Fans liked it so much that it became a film.


You also have THE BEST line - "why does the taste have so much smell". I gagged for you.