Here's the thing about ALL of the "reporting" regarding inner White House turmoil. There is no way to know if any of it is true. Every article quotes "unnamed White House sources", or "administration officials". No one is on the record!
Here's the thing about ALL of the "reporting" regarding inner White House turmoil. There is no way to know if any of it is true. Every article quotes "unnamed White House sources", or "administration officials". No one is on the record!
Am not aware of any "power shift" from Bannon to Kushner. All indications are that Bannon is still well within the inner circle, more so than Priebus.
That is all American politics, not American culture. Andrew Breitbart's brilliant insight was that "politics is downstream from culture". Culture is more influential upon how Americans vote, than the actual issues themselves.
Trump is obviously relatable to a large swarth of the public. It's why he won. Take the money away, and Trump is just a guy who thinks like many Americans.
Any basic google search will inform you that it wasn't copy-pasted. Just a six minute quickie response from one of those 'deplorables' that the progressive left can't admit exist in large numbers. Just a guy from flyover country that the hipsters aren't even aware exist.
There are few people who have shifted American culture more in recent years than Steve Bannon. In 2007, Bannon was among the founding members of the board of Breitbart News. It was Andrew Breitbart's insightful realization that "politics is downstream from culture". That culture guides political thought and ideas. …