
They signed up for that job, did you get them mixed up with the female programmers? It’s not the female employees who are involved in the cheerleading program, it’s the people who are hired specifically for it. I won’t claim that they absolutely have no talent in other areas, that, we will never know, but we can

Because minions are anthropomorphized Twinkies, which kill children much more slowly, in order to extract maximum consumer value.

How do we know the Minion wasn’t the one to push her out in the first place? WAKE UP AMERICA!!!

Wut? Are you from one of those alternate worlds?

The only thing “meh” about Dishonored was its short length and the lack of new game plus to have a chance to play the game with maxed out powers.

Come to the dark side, we have Apples!

The CEO of Lamborghini demands the name of the bull. Naming their next car depends on it.

....Well played.

So you didn’t see any black ops going on? Hmmm I wonder why?

Do people honestly think consoles are coming to an end? Isn't PS4 selling insane amounts even without a large line of exclusives?

You can’t make this stuff up.

Good for him. He made a fun game, he didn't rip anyone off. He's earned his money.

I don't really see why the focus has to be on women here; just non-violent offenders in general.

I like dancing pecs guy.

Nicholas Cage and Earthlings.

Right when you think all of the idiots with their imaginary friend who likes to kill people have blown themselves up, they just keep coming.

Stop hanging out with assholes and reduce the likelihood of being smacked upside the head with a jug of juice. That was true before Vine, too.

No. Nope. Nuh-uh. Light doesn't go faster. The only way to win in a race with light is to *cheat*. That's what a warp drive does. You bend the race track (space and time) so you have a shortcut and beat light to the finish.

PETA is going to start using ticks instead of red paint now. I imagine them either dumping a bucket of ticks on fur wearers, throwing a pie made of ticks at them, or firing them like blow darts.