
Kinda off track here, but I never really bought into the hype of this guy. He's just a mediocre QB who could run really fast. Exciting? Sure. But he really isn't that good. Never was.

Theres always one.

The thing that makes me the most angry about Wilbon's reaction to the shooting is that he, himself, is a black man. So to generalize his killing as just "another black man answering for what he's done" is extremely disturbing and it's sad as hell to read something like this in the time we're in right now, in 2014.

When I quit my job at the beginning of August, they had a display for Halloween candy. I mean, fucking Halloween is at THE END of October. It was damn near THREE months away at that point. That bothered me so much. Now this Christmas shit. Can Thanksgiving get some love?!

I count four overall so far. The two boys who've been beaten, the mention of a sister (from the video), and the one who died from a beating from the mother's boyfriend.

Go home, Roger.

that would seem most logical, wouldn't you think?

This. A million times.... This.

soooooo, anybody still think Fidel Goodell keeps his job? It's over for that dickhead.

There isn't anything anybody could say to me to make me dislike Taylor Swift. Uh uh, not ever, nope, nah.

I'm sure the money made the abuse easier to deal with, however.

I am not a hypocrite because I care about women, but choose to continue watching football. That shit doesn't even make sense.

I think people are missing the point of the article.

in before "he's a dirty player"

I'm high right now and this is so trippy

I don't know where you lived at in Pittsburgh, but I rarely (if ever) heard anybody say sub. I've lived here my whole life and hogie is what we say.

I been arguing withy girlfriend all day and this helped a little. Now I just have to get her to watch it so we can go to bed semi happy :/

These people are awful and cringeworthy.

All those games won, and none of it matters. They haven't won jack shit in 10 years.

I really dislike Pete Carrol and everything he stands for. He gets a pass because....well, I don't know. Just wait til the going gets tough in Seattle tho.