One of the few places where his approval rating is still in the black. (Obviously not literally, ha ha ha!)
One of the few places where his approval rating is still in the black. (Obviously not literally, ha ha ha!)
With Trumpcare, he will literally lose the RedNeck vote.
He should be worried about losing the coal mine vote because, surprise! They were all bullshitted. Those jobs are never coming back.
It turns out his energy really isn’t renewable.
I believe Ben Carson misspoke. He meant to say “alternative immigrants.”
So no fucking response to Tom’s record on police reform, voter suppression, or the unions that supported him? No response to the unemployment rate? Just more rants about TPP and racial slurs? So any person who supports Bernie and Keith but also supports whoever wins is a “neoliberal shill”?
Yeah, sure my Black/Arab/Berber ass who voted for Bernie in the primary is a “Clintonite Corporatist.” Never mind that I wrote that I originally supported Pete or Keith before Tom...but how dare I say Tom is a also a good person and will do a good job. Never mind the fact that I pounded the pavement for Bernie during…
I want to star this a million times. Perez will do the day to day organizing while Ellison as “ceremonial” deputy chief will be the firebrand and still keep his seat which is important right now. Revolution goes back to where it started but a sustained social movement will get us progress.
“If there was one minuscule shard of silver lining to take from Trump’s presidency, it was that perhaps this was the particular apocalypse the Democrats needed to reinvigorate its stultified base, one so underwhelmed by Hillary Clinton it largely couldn’t be bothered to vote.”
I specifically remember being a kid and thinking that one of my classmate’s moms looked exactly like Howard Stern. It wasn’t a good time for fashion.
She really does look worse and worse as the days progress.
When do you think they will stop looking for documentation and just start detaining anyone with non white skin or a non Angelo name?
Basically. People with brown skin regardless of their status are going to be harassed and worse. Which means that despite having ancestors who came to what is now the US before the American Revolution, I’ll likely end up harassed by these bigots. Because brown skin is just so scary.
There’s a rally going on in Washington Square park in NY right now for those living there and can attend. Here’s a list of events & rallies you can attend:
Don’t forget to funnel that rage into campaigns, too. 2018 will be here before we know it.
if he thinks being president is hard on him, he should see what its doing to us.