

Horrible people are just drawn to other horrible people. Just look at how the tea party formed.

Nothing about the ramifications of a strong/weak dollar?

They’ll have to find new scapegoats when all of the brown people are gone. Then they’ll come after the Jews....

At what point do Trump supporters realize that the problems in their lives haven’t gone away because a bunch of brown people went away?

I had the misfortune of living in the St. Louis area for five years. I don’t miss it one bit. It certainly is the most racist city I have ever encountered.

If anything good can come out of this it is that people are coming together and fighting this administration. It will all go for naught if people don’t actually get out and vote!

Yeah but....e-mails....Benghazi...blah blah blah

Whatever is on Skinemax?

Sesame Street?

They should lock her up for saying that Ivanka has been a champion for women empowerment. Say what?

Can we send Trump there? I think he needs a closer look.

Shhhh. Trump supporters don’t know that.