The One True Opinion

“At the time, it was both acceptable and even kind of cool to wear big belts, military patrol caps, and layers upon layers of tank tops, t-shirts, and vests”

Now, see, THAT would make sense. I have no proof beyond a comment I read on an AV Club article, but I have decided to believe it, because the truth is just impossible to swallow.

They seriously call it “Zestimate”? Ugh.

It would  take Glomer for me, and I dunno if they’re willing to go that far.

To get financing for any show, you have to win the approval of a bunch of old rich white men, and they likely lightened up when someone said “Punky Brewster.”

Okay, this is the second article I’ve seen today that exists solely to call out Wario’s fashion sense. Did you guys get together and plan this?

Why do only a handful of games let you adjust FOV? It should be in every first-person game. There should be a law.

I don’t know. If they knew anything about video games they would be writing for Kotaku, not here.

I don’t know where you heard that the Pacs are siblings but that has never been true. Unless you’re making a joke.

Link and Zelda can’t be together because a different Link and Zelda are born every 100 years, and if one pair of them ever consummated, the rest of them would be inbred lovers. It’s that simple.

Yeah, I doubt he’s getting any royalties from this or that CN reboot

It’s a good thing Craig McCracken is preoccupied with Kid Cosmic right now so he can’t see the horrible things WB has been putting his first-borns through.

The popular definition of “dad rock” seems to be “any song older than 15 years no matter the genre,” but I would argue it SHOULD be “rock so embarrassing a dad could have written it.” Imagine Dragons falls into that category.

Avril can’t be “dad rock” if she never rocked in the first place.

According to the ratings, they DID follow Padelecki. We’ll see how long they stick around, but for now, that was the highest-rated CW series premiere in years.

Well, how many of them have you talked to?

They were indeed (the Office fared better, but it had the British version to copy). I hope this gets better too. Fey is a sharp cookie and hasn’t let me down yet. And I don’t want her to!

According to the credits, there were something like fifty Black consultants providing input for Soul. Either every single one of them missed something, or you’re just looking for stuff that isn’t there.

“Attacking him for it won’t fix the problem.”

You wanna eat a 9-year-old? Draw the line somewhere.