The One True Opinion

You don’t understand. People have to say “superb owl” because if they say “super bowl” the sue-happy NFL will come after them.

Well, since both are owned by WB Games, they’re free to use.

Now that original Zari is confirmed to still exist, it’s my hope she and New Zari merge and start a Killer Frost bodily co-habitation thing.

The biggest problem with the single-issue format is that they are approaching five bucks apiece and the content within lasts three minutes at the most. There is plenty of other entertainment out there that provides more bang for those bucks.

“Nothing is recession-proof, but webcomics have weathered economic storms before.”

The instigator, meanwhile, is finding this all HILARIOUS.

Two months? I thought you were talking about 2013 or earlier. I find this claim hard to believe, given that 90% of Kinja users wear “anti-capitalism” as a badge of pride.

LOL, how long ago was that?


I’m sorry, but I will always find this bit of dialogue from the Challenger episode hilarious:

I’m still looking for another AV Club now that the current one is ruined.

No they weren’t. There will always be an audience for theater viewing; no matter how big HD screens get, the experience is impossible to replicate at home (unless you’re rich and can build one of those private screening rooms).

They said TV was going to kill it; they said the VCR was going to kill it...it’s survived

Thing is, they don’t have stations that play 50s and 60s stuff anymore, and it’s not licensed for movie trailers and commercials as much as it once was. 50s and 60s music is being forgotten. Though I was never into beach rock or doo-wop, it’s sad to watch, because I know that fate will eventually befall every song I’ve

It’s funny, I can’t stand most of what came out when I was in high school and college. If I were much older and graduated in ‘86 it would be a different story.

I had to reload this page fifteen times to get the comments section to load properly on Firefox.

I too feel it was a missed opportunity not to see Villanelle take a stab (no pun intended) at domestic life, a task she was always doomed to fail. This entire show could be nothing but Villanelle wandering around attempting to do one thing or another and I’d still watch.

I knew if The AV Club ever reviewed Stargirl (the book OR the movie), they’d have it for breakfast, they’d chow down on it like a malnourished Joe Exotic zoo tiger on a piece of expired meat, and I was not wrong. And they sent out Hassenger to do it!

Who knew that “Doogie” is a unisex name?

When I read both of Froot Loop’s posts, I hear them in the voice of Mad Stan from Batman Beyond.

No one’s said anything yet, but I have the dread feeling Princess will find no love at the AV Club. If people couldn’t tolerate Mona on Legends of Tomorrow, they definitely won’t stand for Post-Apocalyptic Super-Mona.