The One True Opinion

I still think it’s wild this game and Final Fantasy VII existed on the same store shelf.

Well, that definitely doesn’t say “Kurdt” on it. Did he ever really use that alternate spelling or is it just an urban legend?

Has anyone done that for the 90s yet? Surely someone will think so given how much 9/11 changed things, but throughout the 90s I remember the media pretty much drilling into our heads that everybody was doomed and that we were two seconds from the apocalypse. Consequently, every teenager felt like they had no future,

Gizmodo just published their take; it was considerably more dramatic:

Netflix and Hulu’s licenses are temporary. After a certain period of time you can no longer see a certain movie or TV show on those services. That’s not what we want here.

“Steve, if you could choose between Marion Ravenwood and Willie Scott, which one would you pick?”
“Duh! Willie!”

It will get SOME fanfare and attention....the AV Club will ironically see to that.

So they’re shutting these down just as they’re taking off? Sure sounds like DC.

It is still popular because it’s one of the only 90s shows that is still on Netflix. When it leaves Netflix, people will finally start forgetting about it. Same with The Office. No one’s gonna subscribe to HBO Max just for those two shows.

So if you’ve never seen the original, will this be confusing?

I wouldn’t be surprised if they change her motivation.....again. Historically, Disney has been very reluctant to portray Cruella faithfully. I had a 101 Dalmatians picture book “adaption” where Cruella’s motive was to sell the dogs to a circus. In the animated series, Cruella was after the Darlings’ farm, but not the

Still waiting for you to report on this Lizzie McGuire revival so I know what to think about it. Being much too old for the original series, I have no opinion whatsoever.

The I-5 billboard is what I thought of. It’s been there at least since the early 90s, the first time I saw it, and it’s always been this extreme, lest we think far-right statements this nuts are a recent invention.

You sure let cartoons bother you.

The word “fan” is short for “fanatic,” and used to mean what “stan” does now. The original word got so watered down that we had to invent a replacement for it. And already I’m starting to see “stan” used in places where it doesn’t apply.

Heather is not really a nerd. She fits the mold of that outward stereotype but every line of dialogue she has had since the middle of Season 1 emphasizes her actual personality of “cool rebel.” If anything screwed up is happening, Heather is totally into it. And because of this, and the contrast with her appearance,

“Are we wrong for thinking this is a big issue?” Oh, it’s THE BIGGEST ISSUE OF THEM ALL, SAM, I MEAN CLEARLY.

You’re right; the remaining ones never appeared. I had to do a search to get here.

Whelp, this is my least favorite season. It had its good moments, but cutting GLOW out of GLOW was the worst thing they could have done. Watching the act become just another job for the cast was, in effect, watching this excellent series become just another show. There are plenty of programs out there exclusively

Ah, that was back when AV Club was cool.