The One True Opinion

Exactly what crossed my mind. I’ve always wondered if it was Carl’s original invention or not.

So....Let’s assume Dems win the Senate this fall (very likely; Repubs have horrible PR due to....circumstances). As a consequence, Trump gets so mad he willingly gives Russia everything it needs to thoroughly hack the 2020 Presidential election.

Playstation Vue is great, and I’ll be sad when I’m forced to switch to a buggy and malfunctioning service because this smooth and reliable one gets cancelled.

That’s what happens when John and Mitch McConnell fuse together DBZ style.

I’m too scared of ecoli and salmonella to ask for anything less than well-done.

Turns out Rosie was a fictitious character created in a book Darlene was writing.

Maybe I’m missing something but....won’t this move out that poor girl? If ICE is reading....

You and I are the only two people who know enough about Gina’s future projects to get that joke.

Seriously? Wow

Disney owns Doug now, and no one wants the return of Disney’s Doug.

In what form is this? If they’re doing it in live-action....eeeech. If it’s animated again, I’ll take it.

Well, that explains the “screw it” attitude over at Splinter.

The Eyephone ep is good, at least until Susan and the barfing goat both show up. “Neotopia” gets my vote for worst episode ever.

The original movie was pretty faithful to the books except for the revised happy ending. Other than that you’d pretty much be making the same film if you wanted to do it right.

If Lena becomes evil, that’s all I need to quit.

It’s certainly not this one.

There are two ways to take that sentence, and both are confusing.

I was just watching a Metal Jesus video about how Gunbird 2 is one of the ONLY Dreaamcast games that won’t accept a VGA connection, forcing you to play it with composite cables. Perfect timing!

Sounds like witch talk to me, Lisa

Someone suggested Day earlier, and I’m having a hard time thinking of anyone else that publicly commits to nerdy causes as enthusiastically as Hardwick did, besides Day.