Half Baked Banter

“It’s one thing to have a great looking, sounding, and performing that gets plenty of compliments.”

Just another old man car...

I was trying to find a Cobalt SS Sedan, but they dont seem to exist anymore

The way the neighbors talked, it didn’t seem like the noise was that big of a deal. They mentioned it as a factor, but didn’t name anything specific or say it was happening late at night or anything. They seemed weirdly focused on the building codes for some reason, and talk about it with such vitriol that I really

You should see my neighborhood, I basically live in Jalopnia already. On a nice summer evening, it’s not uncommon to see 2 or 3 people per block out wrenching. My neighbor actually cheers when we start some of our louder cars.

Jesus Drove a Honda Accord, Everyone knows that

I know Jesus. Jesus is a friend of mine. Jesus loves people who work on their cars with friends.

This is the correct answer to the problem. My property does not get to determine whether I live or die, not for orphans, not for priests, not for the president.

Every option. EVERY. OPTION.

Maybe this was the recall ‘repair’?

In the last V8 Bathurst 1000, it was Holden that finished Ford once and for all. Thus, the saga ends, with victory for General Motors.

That’s “Oh doe! The puns, they’re buck!”

They can confiscate your car for doing a burnout on your own property? That’s ridiculous!

And this case shows perfectly why we need to elect a libertarian.

Who cares what you or your kid do in your own driveway...Damn Nanny states.

Raph, you are breaking my heart. My achy, breaky heart.

It is CA, only the criminals are allowed to carry

Exactly this. Will someone buy it? Yes, I’m sure someone will. Will they be sorely disappointed down the road when they see another for sale for 8k less? Yes, yes the will. It’s a CP for me.

To be fair, we can all agree Carter was the real problem. I can admit this even though I have an unopened sixer of Billy Beer in my house.