
@ChiefPontiaxe: Probably because it contains Northern Virginia. Anyone else from Maryland reading this will likely know exactly what I'm insinuating...

@Melde: I stopped being able to make images and linked text work a little while ago. Did something change??

@AgentSmithAndWesson: That's a great practice. I try to keep some water near me at all times. I'll drink some if I feel hungry because I tend to mistake thirst for hunger.

@Soule: It's a horrible system and I hate it.

@OutlawDominus: Your weight/population "statistics" actually sound somewhat accurate. Of course there is an increasing percentage leaning toward obese and morbidly obese now :(

Tried the app on Android. It's pretty thorough, but it's supported by OpenAppMkt. I mostly take issue with that because it's the most convoluted way to download and open an app possible, plus you have to open the app from a homescreen shortcut rather than the app drawer. Love Khan Academy, don't like app.

@vinylrake: Definitely read your first comment as 'transparent w[h]ite board' the first time. Actually I think 'transparent write board' might be as accurate as it gets.

@OutlawDominus: Ouch, that last statement hurts my stupidly long and expensive education. Sadly, I've met too many people who feel that way...myself included, formerly.

@not2bright: Damn, I was hoping to get that one first.

I absolutely love Khan Academy! It's been a huge help to me in college so far. Can't wait try out the app.

@OutlawDominus: I'm about 6 months from being able to legally give dietetic advice, but I would suggest you seek the opinion of a dietitian. A decrease in exercise would certainly lower your caloric need, but it shouldn't be causing anorexia to the point of not eating. Your body may be having a little trouble

@jdmaker1: That's roughly what my recollection is as well. I mostly remember being taught to keep my mouth shut and not give permission to do anything whatsoever. Fortunately, I've never had to use that advice.

Certainly there are ways of stopping the cop from using your own phone to access your data. What I'm wondering is if anything would prevent them from removing an SD card from your device and reading it with their own equipment.

@tasteskindasalty: You're mostly not wrong. Even with probably cause, the police cannot damage your property (busting a window if your car is locked, prying open the glove compartment, etc). It is at this point that they need a warrant. I can see no reason that this wouldn't apply to your cellphone as well. I'm also

@vinylrake: I think I'd go with translucent, but I think this might be a case where semantics are in excess.

@stef0knee: They can demand it, sure. And you can stare at them in silence.

I turn into a bit of a social media whore on my days off, so this may come in handy. Plus I'm always excited to snag yet another android app...

Maybe I'm a bad geek, but setting my files to automatically play in VLC when they get double-clicked has always done the job for me. Sometimes I'll plug my laptop into the big screen TV when company is over...