
@cjshackleton: does it even give you the options to clear the default settings for the app? if not, you may need try booting into safe mode or possibly reinstall the OS and choose the native Home app from the start.

@cjshackleton: If the phone allows you: hit the menu soft key - settings - applications - manage applications. Uninstall your third party app. Then hit the Home key. Hopefully this will get you to the home screen.

@chazcampton: Did you happen to download the update.zip file directly to your phone? Apparently this can cause a signature update error. It's best to download the file to a computer and then transfer to the root of the SD card with a USB connection.

@hepatace: We were told a while ago that the Droid wouldn't get tethering or hotspot, but they were never clear about it being wifi tethering or USB tethering. Since USB tethering is available (don't know if it works since tethering isn't supported for mac...), I'm guessing they just meant that WiFi tethering

@Shane Burgess: I think we get USB tethering, but not wireless hotspot.

If you're running a 3rd party Home app (like Power Strip), you'll want to disable it, otherwise your home screen will never load. Well, that's the problem I had at least...

@sirmeili: I've honestly never found anything that wasn't in their database! My favorite feature is that you can scan a barcode on a food package to automatically retrieve the nutrition information.

@sirmeili: FatSecret has a fantastic calorie counter app. I've been using it for a while. It also makes everything available to you on the FatSecret website.

@Boomdiggity!: Pretty much the opposite really. MSG stimulates the appetite and encourages binging.

@BustingLenin: I start getting a migraine pretty instantly when I eat small amounts of MSG. It's like having an MSG detector – I can always tell when a restaurant is lying about using it in their food (most don't...).

I'm currently on a nice, long staycation -aka- not having a job -aka- freelance web developer!

@Badger_Dave_: MSG is a prominent ingredient in a lot of foods that people eat, especially snack foods like chips and things like steak sauce – things that are supposed to taste savory. The amount of MSG people eat at a Chinese buffet (although many Chinese restaurants are proud of that fact that they use no MSG at

@Elixer022: I think you might be surprised at how often people use so many tabs. I rarely have less than 12 tabs open.

Oh pretty. I'd use that plenty. I'll look forward to it being a regular feature.

I'd root my Droid if I had any use for it. As of right now, I'm content the way it is. I'm sure I'll find some reason to root it in the future though.

@DarthWader: Thanks. I'll be headed outside in a few hours to find myself the big dipper! I should probably take my phone to use Google Sky Map as backup...

I love this method, especially when I have several apps to install. I also use dropbox to put music and videos onto my phone. That way I can drop them on my way out the door and just grab the ones I need later on. It's far more convenient than connecting to my computer and waiting for everything to transfer!

Sadly, I've never been able to identify a single constellation. I think my dyslexia might apply to stars too...

I used to keep separate identities for my professional and personal life. I've basically given up on that now. All my online identities can be traced to one another with the right searches. It doesn't matter much though, I have nothing to hide from any of them. It's mostly just a pain now to keep all my different