It is always such a great feeling when I suddenly rid myself of all the crap that I have absolutely no use for. The trick is convincing all the people I live with – 3 other college students – to do the same.
It is always such a great feeling when I suddenly rid myself of all the crap that I have absolutely no use for. The trick is convincing all the people I live with – 3 other college students – to do the same.
@Kevster: I was being facetious. Of course this is the internet, so not making that clear is completely my fault. Sorry!
@SpudDude: It is not built in, but it seems to be one of the first applications that most people use. It is simply called "Barcode Scanner." There is another called "Shop Savvy" that has a very similar function. These are just the two that I have; there are many more. Enjoy your new phone!
The barcode scanner on my Droid has never failed me – perfect match every time. This would have been great back before I had a smartphone though.
@ihityouinthenose: Looks like I need to do a corrections tag on myself about the appropriate use of an apostrophe... this pains me.
The web developer in me want's to redesign this website, but overall I love how simple and useful this is!
Sounds like a useful concept. Unfortunately, all the sites I've tried were returned as "Could not process the contents of URL" or "Nothing of interest found."
@Doug Dimick: I've got most of the excessive facebook crap blocked at this point, but things manage to squeeze through on occasion. Hopefully this helps – thanks!
My Ray-Bans were the best sunglasses I'd ever owned up until they were stolen. I was able to find the polarized version of the same pair on Ebay for $60. I'm happy.
I wanted something that could sync notes between my android phone and my macbook desktop without having to use a browser interface. Evernote seemed like the most eligible tool for the job; it hasn't disappointed so far. The only drawback is that it's a bit bloated for simple tool taking, but I've gotten used to it.
@Jason Fitzpatrick: A pirate doesn't sit around and wait for instructions on how to pirate to be posted on Lifehacker. This method has been all over the internet for quite some time. Jason has presented the same information with a spin that is PERFECTLY suited to the Lifehacker audience. This guide is fantastically…
@coffinmouth: you could always heat the oil/leaves up to 250ºF. That's the standard that canning companies use. It's high enough to kill the bacterium that produces botulin toxin, but is still lower than the smoke point of olive oil. Plus it'll make the oil more basily.... yum.
@Michael Morowitz: The Gmail Notes interface looks pretty, but I think I like your version more. Searchable! Oh, and I don't want to leave Firefox for Chrome... Thanks for the tip!
This settles it. I've been looking for an ultimate reason to just buy a vacuum sealer. This is it. Freezer-pops, here I come!
@CamJN: This is basically the same as your tip but.... you can also drag the file to the application stack in the dock. This will spring open the applications folder so that you have the choice of all your applications rather than just the ones in your dock.
VOTE: Evernote
@izzi303: Only if your foil hat falls off. Oh wait, that's aliens....
@izzi303: You can still bookmark the mobile web version if you'd rather not download it.
I've been using this feature in iTunes for a long time. I've found that the URL for the broadcast will often change at some point, leading to a broken stream.