
Ugh. I’ve resisted responding to these posts, but nothing you’ve said has any merit. Hillary may have been indelicate in dealing with Bill’s accusers, but it’s also true that none of them were ever able to present a credible account of his “abuse.” Broaddick’s claims have been repeatedly investigated - including a

I love that we blame the woman for her husband’s infidelity. That is just classic victim blaming rape culture shit. Either you’re a slut who wants it too bad or you’re an ice queen who won’t put out.

Bill is responsible for his dick. Not Hillary.

I would say it’s cool if you think YOUR behavior should change when YOU get pregnant. I’d say it’s less cool if you think MY behavior should change when I get pregnant.

Look, surely you can see how men’s totally inappropriate and misogynistic behavior has resulted in people discussing the varying degree to which women are acting appropriately or not. Melania simply walked past him, fully clothed in professional attire, at a political event where he is a journalist. Why can’t we focus

Just stop. Chris Matthews is a dolt but you’re missing the real point. This is EXACTLY how Trump treats women - his wives and even his own daughters - THEY don’t get to act offended by Matthews’ behavior. If she wants to be treated like a first lady, she should comport herself as one. Trump is the most coarse,

Seth Woken

are we starting to rev up the feminist support of Clinton? BECAUSE IVE BEEN HERE WAITING!!!!!!