
This is an old photo. A Von Miller statue has that ball now.

People are going to mock this, but if I were rich, this would literally be the first thing I did with my money.

It’s the Kim Jong-Il-est.

Ryan Flaherty ain’t scared.

Good thing for him he didn’t download any music. Then he would really be in trouble.

I know my humor is dry and, quite frankly, stupid but I laughed out loud at his Twitter handle.

In better news, MMA fans everywhere are looking forward to meeting cyborg “Evangelista Santos.”

I’d like to see a game of chicken where Van Gundy kept Drummond in the game and dared the other team to have multiple guys foul out/get in foul trouble.

Based on this image I think construction of a shoulder, bicep, and elbow for his right arm would be a better start.

Obviously Cubs fans have no reason to care about who has home field in the WS.

I know just the lawyer to handle this high-profile case.

It’s still funny to me that the UK fields so many teams for international competition. If you combined them all they might actually have a decent team.